It's a Secret

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"Hey Yukie. That was y/n-chan that was just running down the hall, right?" Kaori asked her friend.

"I think so. It looked as if she was running towards the bathroom." Yukie said, looking towards the girl's bathroom.

"Should we go and get Akaashi-kun?"

"Probably." Yukie said, turning to walk toward their class but saw Akaashi was lightly jogging towards them "Speak of the devil."

"Yukie-san, Kaori-san, have you seen y/n? I saw her just run out of class." Akaashi asked the two.

"Uh, yeah. It seems like she ran into the bathrooms." Kaori said, pointing to the bathroom with the girl sign.

"Okay thank you-."

"Keiji-kun, what are you doing. Class is about to start." Mayu; Akaashi's girlfriend said.

"I need to go check on my friend Mayu-chan. Tell the teacher I'll be there soon, if I'm not back in time."

"Oh, okay." Mayu said, walking back to class.

"Well, we'll be off then Akaashi-kun." Yukie said, turning to walk back to her class.

"Yes. See you later and thank you." Akaashi bowed to the two and ran off towards the restrooms.

Akaashi knocked on the door, making sure no other girls were in there before he entered. After hearing no response Akaashi slowly walked into the room.

"y/n are you in here?" Akaashi called.

"Keiji? What are you-." y/n started but got cut off by her sudden coughing fit, followed by more flower petals.

"Are you okay, y/n? Do I need to call your mom or my mom?"

"No, you don't. I'm fine. No need to worry." She said, trying to get him to leave before she coughed up more flowers.

"Are you sure? That sounded like a nasty cough. Do you need some water?" he asked standing outside the stall she was in.

"No. I don't need any water. But you should get back to class. I know you don't like to be late."

"y/n, you're more important to me than perfect attendance."

"Keiji can you just go. I'm not-." Another coughing fit, which yet again was followed by more flower petals.

"I'm going to go and get someone-."

"No, don't do that. Please I'm just fine, Keiji. Can you just go. I don't want you to get in trouble."

"But y/n-."

"Just go. I'll be just fine."

"Okay. If you say so."

Akaashi walked out of the girl's bathroom, leaving her in the stall with her blood covered flower petals.

"Great. Just when I thought it had stopped it." y/n muttered, grabbing some toilet paper and wiping the blood off her chin.

"Okay missy. You have 3 seconds to tell me why you pushed Akaashi-kun out the door..."

y/n turned her head to see Kaori and Yukie standing behind her looking down at her mess of blood and flowers.

"Kaori-senpai, Yukie-senpai, it's not what it looks like. I just had nosebleed and some flowers that I had to get rid of. Yeah, that's it..." y/n said, trying to make up an excuse on why there was blood and flower petals in the toilet, but saw it wasn't working.

"y/n, a nosebleed wouldn't be able to stain flower petals." Kaori said, squatting down to her level.

"I'm sorry." y/n cried. Tears started to flow from the girls' eyes and snot started to drip down her nose.

"Don't cry y/n. That won't get you anywhere." Yukie said, handing her a tissue.

"How long y/n?" Kaori asked.

"it started today. So not that long." y/n mumbled wiping her tears.

"Good. That means we still have time." Kaori pulled out a cloth and dampened it. "There are option y/n." Kaori said as she wiped the girls face.

"Like what?"

"Well, you could either get surgery to remove the growing flower removed, or you could get the person to return your feelings. Those are the two options."

"Isn't there a third one."

"Well, that one is a bit more complicated." Yukie sighed, trying to remember.

"Yeah. The third option is just to love a new."

"O-oh. Those sound simple enough." y/n said standing up from the floor "Wait, how do you know about these things?"

"Happened before. But that's not important." Kaori said, "But y/n, if you go with the surgery, there are some risks."

"Like what?"

"You would lose your feelings. Not just for that person, but all together. So, ultimately you would become emotionless."

'That can't happen. I can't lose my feelings. Especially for Keiji.' y/n thought

"I can't do that." She muttered.

"Well other options are available." Kaori said, patting the girls back "But we should tell Akaashi-kun."

"No. That can't happen." The girl said. "He can't know, and no one else for that matter. This has to remain a secret."

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