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"Kenma. I think I'm going to die."

"What do you mean, you're going to die?" Kenma asked.

"Kenma, what are you two talking about?" Kuroo asked trying to listen in.

"None of your business. Just go home already."

"But Kenma, I wanna cuddle." Kuroo whined.

"N-no, just go home." Kenma said, pushing him out the door.

With that y/n heard a door slam and a sigh from Kenma.

"Sorry about that, now what about you." He said getting back on topic. "You said you were dying? What do you mean by that?"

y/n took a deep breath, ready to tell the first person other than her mom, and the two managers "I have Hanahaki."

"Hanahaki?" Kenma asked knowing what that dieses was "Are you going to get the surgery?"

"N-no. I'm not."

"Why not?" he lashed "You will die if you don't! You know that don't you?"

"Of course, I know that Kenma. You think it was the easiest thing for me to except."

"I know it wasn't, but you know Akaashi will be upset if you die, right? You know this isn't what he wants."

"He doesn't know Kenma."

"Why not. Doesn't he have the right to know?"

"No. He's happy. He has a girlfriend who is making him happy. But I'm dying because of it."

"He's the cause of your Hanahaki, isn't he?"

"Of course, he is, and it sucks." y/n couldn't help the tears that now covered her face. "I just thought, and I just hoped, that maybe he would love me back. But now it's too late Kenma."

"Then why don't you just get that surgery. Then you'll still live."

"I can't, I'd rather die than lose my feelings for Keiji."

"Well, you literally are y/n" he laughed bitterly.

"I know. And it hurts so badly."


"y/n, why don't you come and watch practice today. They're doing really well." Mayu offered.

"Thank you for the invite Mayu-chan. But I've been fairly busy. I'm helping my mom with some new clothing designs." She lied.

"That's right. Keiji told me that your guys' moms run a fashion company. That's so awesome." She complimented. "Well, anyway I hope you can come to watch the qualifiers."

"I hope so as well." y/n said, standing up and grabbing her bag. "Well, have a nice day."

y/n walked out of the school, and all the way home. y/n's mom was out for the weekend. Usually, she was home but being the head of her own company comes with it up and downs. She told y/n that she would be gone for the weekend. She said she had an out-of-town meeting to attend.

"Hello Mai. Did you watch the house while I was gone." y/n asked her cat as it purred against her, when she entered.

"...why don't you come watch practice today."

Mayu's voice rang in y/n's head. That one sentence made y/n feel small. y/n felt like she was being taunted.

y/n rushed to the bathroom and she threw up. She was expecting another flower bud, but what she got was much worse.

Still into you(I think) {K. Akaashi }Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum