Meeting the Guards

Start from the beginning

All of them looked at me and sighed.

"Let's just leave it for now. They are still young. Come now, let's eat and then you both can go back to playing."

I nodded my head but looked at my Tharn. He's bright red in the face. I waved my hand in front of his face but he didn't move.

Oh no....did I break my Tharn!!???

"Tharn, are you okay?"

He looked at me slowly but nodded his head.

"Tharn is....perfectly....okay...."

"Okay. Let me feed you now."

I grabbed some noodles and fed him. He also focused enough to feed me too.

I like giving kisses and taking care of my Tharn.


~Tharn's POV~

Yay! P'Nala and P'John are staying the night! Which means Type stays too!!!

I can't wait to cuddle him all night!

Right now, we are snuggling on the couch eating cookies and milk while watching a movie.

Can everyday be like this?

"Thorn, Tharn! Finish up and come take a bath!"

I hear daddy say. Awww, I have to leave my Type? I pouted at the words and reluctantly finished my cookie and leaving him on the couch.

"I'll be right back Type!"

I hurried upstairs to quickly take a bath and join my Type again.

I went to the bathroom where daddy is and quickly undressed before he helped me into the bath.

"Tharn, dunk your head back."

I dunked my head under the water and came out so he could start scrubbing my head. I even helped him by starting to wash my body. I want to go back to my Type quicker.

Once we were done, daddy wrapped a towel around me and took me to my room to help me put on my pajamas.

Once I was dressed, I ran downstairs but I didn't see my Type. I looked around but I didn't see him anywhere.


I ran back upstairs and bumped into his legs.

"Whoa, slow down buddy. What's wrong?"

"My T-Type is m-missing!'

I eagerly clutched onto his legs but he just started laughing.

"W-why are y-you laughing!? He's m-missing!"

"He's not missing buddy. His mama is taking him a bath. He has to be clean too."

"S-so he's not m-missing?"

"No. Come on, breathe in and out. There's no need to cry."

Daddy picked me up and took me to the room. He set me down on my bed and kneeled down in front of me.

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