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~Gulf's POV~

After I dropped off my little boys I started going to my studio. Mew helped me build it a few months after we got married.

I've always loved fashion and so I decided to design clothes for people similar to me and for people who just want nice clothes.

Now I own one of the biggest design studios and I do runways a lot no matter if it's modeling or just showcasing my studio's work.

I grabbed my bag and got out of my car before entering my building. I'm very picky with the people I allow to work with me.

One, don't stare at my hubby. Whenever I can convince Mew to model something for me, I will always make sure no one will stare and admire him. I'm possessive of my honey.

Two, don't mess with my little spiders. I don't want people to call them freaks or something just because of my ability to have given birth to them.

Three, I don't allow discrimination. I hear anything related about it come from their mouths, they are fired on the spot.

Four, we do NOT talk about anything related to the studio or it's works outside of the building. Everything that gets designed or discussed in here stays in here.

Five, don't ever steal anyone's work or ideas. I only want their true work and passion. That's what designing is for me and if they don't feel they same then they can leave. I am not going to stop them.

I opened the door and passed a few of my designers before going to my office and setting down my bag. I went over to my computer and pulled up my schedules of upcoming shows.

Hmm, if we want to start trying for another baby in a few months, the best time would be in 2 or 3 months. It's only August so maybe during October or November. If I do get pregnant I won't stop working right away. I'll probably work from home after the 5th month.

Even if we have shows, I don't have to show my work since I will be on maternity leave but I guess it depends how bored I am. I do have shows scheduled but I just have to attend them. That won't be a big deal when I'm pregnant, I'll just bring Mew with me.

I'll just tell Mew when we can start trying for a baby then we can work it from there.

I closed the calendar and left my office to go to the room where all my designers have their own working tables.

It's 8 so only half of them are here, the other half don't show up till 9 but they work later than the ones here now.

One of my favorite things to do in my office though, is to push the buzzer.

When we were building the studio, I asked for a buzzer so when we were working and I needed their attention I could just hit the buzzer. And I loved their reactions. Even if they have been working with me for a long time they still aren't used to it.

So I hit the buzzer.

Most of them jumped and looked over at me before I crooked my finger signaling them to go to the meeting room.

The all said their hellos as they went inside and sat down.

"Good morning, so good news is we have a new project to launch. Bad news is we need to come up with a theme and design a new brand of clothing by November. So when the other get here we will start brain storming on this year's fall theme and the group of people we are targeting. Questions?"

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