Birthday Party Pt.2

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~Gulf's POV~

My in-laws....

It's okay Gulf.

Just breath and don't open your damn mouth.

Don't get me wrong, Mew's parents loved me once upon a time.....

Then I messed up..... just one time and the next thing I knew, I was dead to them.

But they still want to be around our kids.

The ones I gave birth to.

Don't focus on them Gulf.... focus on your little spiders' birthday.

They immediately started talking with my boys and completely ignored me, which I am fine with.

The guests should be arriving soon since it's nearing 11. Maybe I should start working on cooking the meats.

I really hope today works out okay....I don't want anything to go wrong.

As I took the bowls with the meat to the grill outside, I felt Type hold onto my skirt.

"Oh, do you need something dear?"

He shook his head.

"Is there something wrong?"

He shook his head again.

"What is it then?"

He looked a little nervous before pointing to his hair.

"Your hair?"

He nodded his head. He used his hands to point at the flowers on his dress before pointing at his head.

"A flower?"

He nodded his head again.

"Do you want a flower in your hair?"

His face made an ehh face.

"Not a flower."

He pointed to his head again before pointing to the strap across his waist.

"Oh a bow!"

He nodded his head and clapped.

"Sure, let's go to my room and I'll tie a bow in your hair."

He clapped his hands before following me towards my room filled with all sorts of fabric and stuff, including bows.

I grabbed the different bows I have and let him see them all.

"Choose which one you like best. I have a few different colors and a few different designs too for you to pick from."

He looked at all of them before pointing to the one that has a deep royal purple color with a simple style.

I sat him down and asked him where he wanted the bow. He pointed to the side of his head just by his temple.

I attached the bow and gave him a mirror. He looked at it and clapped his hands before hugging my legs.

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