Birthday Party Pt. 1

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~Mew's POV~

I have to leave earlier so I can pick up the boys. It's almost 2:30 so I have to wrap it up and make my way to the school.

I need to figure out what to get them for their birthday. I know it's next week but I really don't know what to get them!

They never ask for things a lot unless it's related to food or their drink. This also reminds me to give them the invitations they wanted to give their classmates for the party.

It's next week so I can give it to them on Monday.

I feel old!!!

I know I'm only about to be 26 but I still feel old. My babies are going to be 6. I can't wait to give them their surprise though.

I wrapped up my documents before closing down my computer and grabbing my bag. Time please go faster! I miss my wifey.

Have I ever expressed how much I hate people? Like most people can't mind their own business and leave us alone. If I wanted for you to know and let us talk about it I would've told you. If I don't them mind your own fucking business and leave me alone.

This is just going through my head as I park my car. Just as I got out my eyes were blinded.

I love my baby but why did he have to choose a silver color! The sun reflected off my hair into the glass of my door and flashed my poor eyes.

I knew I should've gone back into the house for my sunglasses. I quickly rubbed my eyes before walking to the entrance like I do everytime I pick up the boys.

I wonder what they will ask for if they tell me what they want for their birthday.

I'm scrolling through my phone, trying to figure out what 6 year old boys like when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I flicked it off before turning back to my intensive research.

I felt it again so I flicked it off again.

If I do not respond to you it means I do not want anything to do with you. Go away. This is basic human body language and behavior.

I felt it again and grabbed the person's hand and flung it off of me.

"I do not like it when people touch me. Don't do it again."

"Then answer me!"

Figures......a female.

"Then you can act like a normal person and speak instead of touching me."

I'm debating whether or not to just pull my boys out early. It's just a few minutes.

"Excuse me sir."

"You have 3 seconds to tell me what you want."

She looked panicked so I started counting down.

"You are married right!?"

"What does it matter to you?"

"The people here wanted to know if that person who picks up your kids is your partner."

"Why do they want to know?"

"To see if you are single."

What the hell? Obviously not! I have been a happily married man for almost 6 years now.

"Haven't been single in almost 8 years. Been the best 8 years of my life."

"So you actually like that person?"

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