Maybe a new start?

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Jimin got under his thin blanket and light the half-melted candle and put it beside him

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Jimin got under his thin blanket and light the half-melted candle and put it beside him.

Walking to different places the whole day was tiresome when you don't have enough food in your stomach. Luckily while coming back to the treehouse, one old lady gave Jimin a burn hotdog which was thankful for. He didn't have to go in search of dinner for tonight. And even the weather was on his side, it was not so cold like last night.

Just if his job part of his life was on his side.

Jimin knew he needed a job badly. Because he can't live on the kindness of others which was rare nowadays. He has to stand on his legs now so that he can be a little bit worthy of his soulmate. He slept in wait for a new day.

It was a new day with a little cold, which was a good sign. Jimin like every day stretched a bit and then made his way to the nearest park which filming a tune which he heard from somewhere.
He took a quick bath when he reached the public bathrooms.

One will think why a boy like Jimin needs to take a bath every day when he will wear those same clothes next time but it may be because of the hope of meeting his soulmate suddenly someday, and he wants to have a bath if not new clothes.

He was on his way to checking the dumpsters behind the restaurants and hotels because usually, they throw food more than anyone else. But today he was having a hard time. Jimin has already checked five dustbins and he didn't found anything to eat.

Jimin was now on his eighth dustbin when he found a poster or template. It was for a job and it was enough to get Jimin's attention. He takes it out of the dustbin carefully, trying his best not to tear it in any way. He saw it was asking for anyone for doing the cleaning of the floor and studios in the building. The pay was actually low for the task as compared to what other companies offered but Jimin didn't have many choices.

"Something is better than nothing" Jimin mumbled to himself.

He folded the paper carefully and kept it inside his shirt pocket. His pants pockets were torn and the paper would easily slip and fall somewhere. With determined steps, he made his way to the given address. When he reached the building his eyes were wide and the determination in his heart was at rock bottom. The building was huge with a big sign saying 'BIGHIT ENTERTAINMENT'. Jimin has never seen such a huge building and the people coming in and out of the company was a cruel reality that people like Jimin don't belong to these places.

But not wanting to throw the golden opportunity to waste he took a deep breath. If he got rejected it humiliated then it would not be the first time. He has to try. He walked small steps and approach the guard standing in front of the building. Jimin tugged at the man's sleeve and was able to get his attention.

"What do you want kid?"
The bodyguard asked.

"Uhh....can you....wait a minute sir" Jimin was quick to take the folded paper out of shirt pocket. He unfolded it and showed it to the old man. The man must be around his fifties by his look and was giving a less scary vibe than other guards around. The man takes a look at the paper and then gaze Jimin up and down.

"You up for the job?" he asked.

Jimin nodded.

"Follow me then, kid" with that the guard starts walking towards the back of the building. Jimin without a second thought followed him. He was walking close to the man but not too close, who knows what the old man intentions were.

The guard opened the back door and motioned Jimin to enter first, Jimin complied. The guard enters the room after him and closes the door after him which make Jimin squeak in a non-manly way if you add. The guard smiled at the smaller's voice. The guard didn't know the boy but knew in his heart that nobody needs a job more badly than the boy.

He gestured to Jimin to follow him to the other room which was full of energy and people. All were doing their set of tasks. One was lifting the boxes from one place or another, the other was opening the boxes and some were writing things in their notepads. It was busy.

"I will now take you to the head of this place. You will not deal with the costume boxes but will be cleaning the floors and stuff."

Jimin nodded again but didn't want to seem rude by saying that he already knew what his job was. Soon the guard was standing in front of a sweaty, tall, muscular man who was lifting a box and keeping it on the floor.

"Good afternoon Mr Choi, this kid here came for the cleaning job" the guard introduced.

The tall guy soon kept the box on the floor with a thud and stand to his full height. He must be 6'10 or so and was full of muscles but scars were running across his face which makes him look scary rather than handsome.

"Good good, today is rather too busy. The costumes and equipment delivered today for the upcoming concert here. You okay with the less pay kid?"

"Y-yes, sir. I will work hard and not let you down" Jimin bowed a full ninety degree which makes both the big males chuckle.

"No need for that. But you sure you can handle the cleaning? You are honestly thin with no muscles" Mr Choi questioned.

Jimin face fell. He was already shocked when Mr Choi didn't disapprove of him by taking a look at him. Nevertheless, he was going to get rejected again.

"Give a kid a try, he really needs the job, Mr Choi. And it's not like you have any other to help with the cleaning. And cleaning doesn't need muscles. I am sure he will survive" the guard added.

Jimin was grateful for the input by the guard because Mr Choi nodded and finalised "Sure. You can start from right now. Bu the way that's your name?"

"Jimin, sir. And what you needed me to do?"

"Oh let me show you where the cleaning equipments are and then I will tell you your tasks for today," Mr Choi said while walking away and gestured for Jimin to follow.

Maybe life is not so cruel?


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Stay safe and take care.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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