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Me and Ezra wake up to the sound of noise coming from the living room. We both get up and see Fitz and Swagger yelling at Mason. "Its 7am what the fuck?" Ezra says. "Not gonna question why you are in you boxers but ok" Toby says.

"Are you faggots ready to go?" She asks. "Im driving with Fitz me and him to talk to Mason"  swagger says.

"Alright come on cunts lets go" Toby says. We all grab our luggages and put them in my car. I grab my keys and we get in and start driving.

"Ok you need to drive down here and take a right" Toby says. "Is this a shorter way?" I ask. "No we are getting coffee dumbass" she says. "Fair enough" i say making a right.

We get our coffee and we drive on the road. "Have you heard our podcast yet?" Toby ask. "No i have seen you guys all go into a room and talk not sure if it was an orgy or the podcast" i say.

"Both actually" She says i laugh. She puts on one of the episodes and im not gonna lie it was hilarious.

A few hours go by and we had gotten food for the road, "oi pass me the fries" Toby says. Ezra passes her the fries. We continue driving and Fitz soon catches up. Me and Fitz were talking while Mason and Swagger were arguing in the car.

"So there is this little motel thing, roughly a 5 hour drive, 40 dollars a night" Fitz says. "But should we really trust a motel think of all the children they left on the sheets" i say. "You found a dead child?" Ezra ask. "No its cum dumbass" i say. "Isnt that basically the same thing?" He asks.

"We dont ask questions Ezra" i say. "Fair enough" he says. "Hey im gonna drive till we get there" toby says. I nod and pass her the keys.

"Hey im going to grt a snack do you want anything?" Ezra asks. "Yeah can you get me some chips please?" I ask he nods.

"So meet over there then?" I asks. "Yeah also i need to tell you something" Fitz says. "Ok?" I say.

"So you may have seen how Mason has been acting weird this morning right?" He asks. "Probably because you and swagger were yelling at him but yeah" i say.

"Well we were yelling at him because he told us that he-"

"Oi come on" Toby yells. Ezra was already in the car. "Can we talk about this later the are gonna start yelling at us any minute." I say.

"Come on you short ass cunt!" Toby yells beeping the horn. "Im so sorry" i say walking away and getting in the back seat where Ezra was.

We drive for a while and me and Ezra cuddle while watching a movie Toby was talking to Matt on the phone. We soon get to the motel and we get our motel rooms.

Me and Ezra got our own Fitz and Toby got one and Mason and swagger shared one.

Me and Ezra got ready for bed i put on a tank top some shorts and a rob since they didnt have any blankets

Me and Ezra were about to fall asleep and then we heard a knock at the door. I groan and get up. I open it and see Mason. "Hey mase whats up who died?" I ask. "Um no one actually i need to talk to Ezra though" he says. "Ez Mason needs you" i say. Ezra gets up and walks out in the hall with Mason. "Ill be back you go back to bed" he says kissing my forehead.

"Ok night" i say. Closing the door i crawl into bed and start drifting off a few minutes later i hear Ezra yell. "What the fuck man?" I get up a d run to the door opening it to see Ezra and Mason fighting. Me and Toby try pulling them off of each other. I practically tackle Ezra just to ger him off of Mason.

He just pushes me off and goes back to it. "Are you alright?" Swagger asks. "Just peachy swags" i say. "Hold this" i say taking off my rob. I toss it to him and run to try and stop it before someone dies. I jump on Ezra and hold him back. I hold his arms down so he cant punch anymore.

"No stop it!" I say Mason gets up and tries attacking ezra but Fitz grabs him.

They both struggle to get out of both of our grasps. "Calm the fuck down and someone tells me what happened" i say.

"Mason is in love with you!" Ezra says breaking out of my grasp and starts attacking Mason again.

I Love You Dumbass (Raccooneggs x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu