Now, Wen Qiu wakes up with a haggard expression and looks at the horizontal body... bound his arms like an iron bar.

"Warri..." He wanted to commit suicide!

Or kill Will silly. □□!


What's wrong? Isn't it the case that Will expected to be irrigated with a dose of chicken soup, and then convinced him more and more!

Then the two men who admire each other congratulate each other and conquer the sea of ​​stars together, don't they!

So, what went wrong?

Wen Qiuxing thought anxiously, even if Will was a **** guy, he wouldn't like him like a person who had nothing to do with the chirping things like love.

Isn't it?

It was just a few minutes of sober thinking about these things, and Wen Qiuxing slept in the midst of the court's arms.

Because he is really unconscious, seriously unconscious!

"..." Feng Ting opened his eyes just now, his sober eyes deep and moving, filled with starlight.

The man used his eyes to describe the youth's sleeping face, and then bowed his head and kissed piously...the other's skinny shoulder.

When Wen Qiuxing woke up again, it was already 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a time when it was not embarrassing.

He immediately looked at his side, empty.

Knowing that the man was not there, Wen Qiu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

And he finally had strength and energy, and climbed out of the big bed that made him walk and swing.

"His...I'm going..."

The soreness from the bone cracks spread all over the body, especially the legs...the roots...and the locations where it is difficult to open the teeth.

Is the other party reincarnated?

Wen Qiuxing couldn't help but cursed, and then he supported the bathroom wall with both hands, accidentally turned his head and glanced at himself in the glasses, and was scared by the embarrassed description. His legs were soft... Almost did not fall to the ground.

The royal court appeared silently in front of the bathroom door.

Wen Qiuxing almost fainted when he looked at him!

Because this girl is wearing a neat white shirt and black trousers, meticulous from head to toe, even the expression is well managed...

If he had to use a few words to describe him, Wen Qiuxing only thought of nobles, gentlemen, abstinence...

Ha ha!

It's all nonsense, very nonsense.

"Smell..." Feng Ting's blue eyes were turbulent and rippled when they saw the unexpected scenery in the bathroom.

"..." Wen Qiuxing immediately rolled his eyes.

Too lazy to curse because of uncomfortable throat.

"I'll help you." Feng Ting rolled up his sleeves and walked over with long legs.

"You..." Wen Qiuxing asked, "What the **** is going on?" The voices are all dumb, it seems that his recent voices have not recovered.

"Sorry." Feng Ting acted softly, holding the miserable young man to the edge of the bathtub, and carefully placed it into it, full of distress: "It's all me bad."

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