"Why, do you want to come too? That's not good." When Ya came, she wasn't just going to sleep, definitely not.

"No." Feng Ting thought for a while, and said, "The best way to restore energy is not to sleep."

"What's that?" The young man greeted the light, his eyebrows dazzled, his expression alive, like a little **** with strong fighting desire.

The court did not dare to read more, and only said two words calmly: "Sports."

"..." Wen Qiuxing looked at him with your unreasonable gaze.

"Not the kind you think."

"Do you know what I think?"


"What kind of thing is that?" Wen Qiuxing said, holding his arm angrily.

"Walk." Feng Ting glanced at the bright sunlight outside the window.

Isn't such a good weather suitable for a walk?

At this time, autumn is refreshing and the scenery in the community is elegant.

There is a tall and mighty beautiful man around him, which is a beautiful thing.

Wen Qiuxing was not excited at all, even a little lazy, taking one step and two steps.

And those who are active in the community at this time, as well as other residents, are dressed decently, in twos and threes.

Ninety percent of them are elderly, children and women. That's normal. Men like him and Will are mostly busy with their careers and work.

Only him, the civet cat, one heart, one heart, one mind, one eats, one satisfies, one eats, one eats, one eats, and one does.

"Go here." Wen Qiuxing pulled Will and turned into a clearly remote path so as not to meet other residents.

For the little partner's behavior of evading others, the court is not at all resolute, as always, following the example.

"I just don't want to cause unnecessary trouble." Wen Qiuxing sat on a bench under the shade of trees and then wanted to lie down.

At the moment when he lay down, the court had just sat down, causing this move to be a blessing...

Feng Ting was stunned and hugged the young man who turned upside down. His good vision suddenly saw the other person's fair skin, dotted with some striking red marks.

This made him blink.

Zhen Laowen Qiu Xing wakes up his classmates.

"Did you see it?" He followed the court's gaze and squinted at his collar. That's why he didn't want to see anyone.

Feng Ting nodded, his fingertips moved slightly, and after all he couldn't hold back, touching the fresh traces with his fingertips.

This is what he left last night, and it seems a little painful...

With this thought, the dazzling man regretted it. After all, not everyone is as thick as he is.

The little partner's skin is fair and firm, and you may get injured with a little effort.

After a long recovery, he found that the young man lying on his legs was asleep.

The court: "..."

Feng Ting breathed for a long time, almost seemingly absent, looking at the other person's exquisite sleeping face, and after some thought, he bowed his head and kissed Qiu Xing's slightly curled lips.

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