Family relationship fixes...

Start from the beginning

"Well ... I am not sure I can keep up with your favorite lasagne Regina, but for your daughter I am willing to try!" Granny smiled at her and received cheers of approval from everyone present, which almost unsettled Regina a little.

"Mi scusi?" exclaimed Regina and looked around, not knowing why everyone here apparently knew her Lasagna.

She would have expected her family to know her favorite food to prepare, but not the whole town.

 "Attention the heart witch and her dark companion are on their way here. They mustn't know that Regina is here and that their plan" grandchild "has worked." a blonde woman made a serious warning and whatever she had just said, it clearly had an effect on everyone in the room, because the chatter got louder and fearful. 

"Regina, it's nice that you're back. But we have to postpone our reunion a little. Can you poof?" the mysterious blonde addressed her directly, not knowing that she might be the only one in this room who didn't know what was going on.

 "Emma, ​​Regina doesn't even know who she is, how is she supposed to be able to use her magic? Besides, it's very hard for her to understand you, when you speak in this velocity. Language barriers ... I don't want to go into that now. There is no time!" Robin interrupted the blonde woman, called Emma, sharply and made it clear to her in seconds, whatever "poof" was, that she couldn't do it.

 "Understood. Mrs. Locksley ...Arm?" asked Emma with a grin addressing her with HIS surname and gestured to understand that she should not only take her arm, but also take her daughter by the hand. 

And from that moment she knew she wouldn't run away from what or whoever where on it's way. 

Not she, called Regina di Mulini, or Regina Locksley if she wanted to put it like that. 

"Mammà addù iàmu?" Roberta asked almost curiously but completely without fear, which was less of a surprise to Regina, since her daughter had always been one of the braver ones.

 "Non lo so piccola mia. Vieni con ... Emma ... Io resto qui" she encouraged her little daughter, not even correcting her for speaking dialetto napolitano and handled her to the stranger, because she was sure that Roberta was safe with this Emma.

"Regina ..." Emma asked again, almost a little afraid for Regina, before she remembered that the woman in front of her could defend herself well enough in a magical world like Favolelecce and that they talked about her parents now.

 In addition, they were running out of time and Roberta was defenseless. 

Exactly for this reason the blonde woman poofed away in the hope that everything would go well, but didn't miss giving Robin some of her magic to protect Regina, if this were necessary. 

"Sorry we are late for the party, do we interrupting something" interrupted them Cora Mills with the phrase of Regina while she entered the "Antica Osteria di Nonna "with Mr.Gold, fully aware that they would meet there the two persons they wanted to meet.

" Not in the slightest. We just finished the meal, the dancing is still following ... "Robin snapped back immediately and took a step in front of his wife, signaling that he would protect her under all circumstances.

" Oooohhh vedete chi e venuta,Regina Darling  .... fai spazio Locksley. "Cora ordered almost domineering, surprising in Italian,  but her treat hardly impressed Robin, who stayed as he was. 

 "Vaffanapoli ... Una altra persona chi sa il mio nome .... Per il protocollo .... Non ho paura di Lei!" Regina hissed dangerously annoyed, but so loudly that she was clearly audible before Cora could threaten Robin more, while she stepped next to the no longer so strange man, eager and completely fearless for the following situation in arrival.

 "Dov'è? Dove hai nascosto il tuo bambino Regina? Dove hai nascosto mio nipote? "Asked Cora seriously and stepped dangerously close to her daughter.

" Non so di cui parlano. Fui venuta da sola, Poi basta. Ma cosa vogliono ehhh? Regina angrily went on the offensive and closed without fear the gap between you and the unknown woman and unconsciously sent out an immense pressure wave that threw Cora and Mr. Gold backwards, suddenly feeling fireballs in her hands, the first ones flying perfectly located at their goals, leaving Regina gasp in surprise and fear of herself, thanking god that both of them managed to stop all of this.

" Let's go Regina. Let's go" Robin whispered begging in her direction and asks her to took her hand, to poof her and himself in her mayor which was protected, for Cora and Mr. Gold. 

" It's still Signora di Mulini for you" she grinned at the man and took his hands, feeling safe in a mans protection for the first time in ages...

Italian translation 

"Cosa voresti mangare piccola ... Dimmi pure ..." = What do you want/prefer to eat little one... You can tell me... 

 "Se voi puoi provare un hamburger alla Granny's. E Buono"= if you want, you can try grannies Hamburger. and good.

"Mammà addù iàmu?" = Mama where are we going? (dialect of Naples) 

 "Non lo so piccola mia. Vieni con ... Emma ... Io resto qui"= I don't know my little one. Go with Emma. I stay here"

" Oooohhh vedete chi e venuta,Regina Darling .... fai spazio Locksley. " = Oh look who is here, Regina Darling. Make space Locksley

"Vaffanapoli ... Una altra persona chi sa il mio nome .... Per il protocollo .... Non ho paura di Lei!"= Damn it, a other person who knows my name. just to make it clear, I don't fear you 

 "Dov'è? Dove hai nascosto il tuo bambino Regina? Dove hai nascosto mio nipote? "= Where, Where did you hide your child Regina... Where did you hide my grandchild 

" Non so di cui parlano. Fui venuta da sola, Poi basta. Ma cosa vogliono ehhh?= I don't know what you are speaking of. I came on my own. That's enough of explanation. What do you even want! 

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