The story behind the tattoo

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"Good morning beautiful", Regina woken up the next morning through an incredibly gentle and loving voice and immediately recognized that it was her Daniel who had pulled her so tightly to his body, almost as if he would never let her go again.

"Good morning handsome!" the american middle aged woman replied gently and let her hand wander slowly and lovingly over his bare, strong torso and butterflies started moving when she felt his muscles tense slightly with their feather-light touch and Daniel let out a slight sigh.

Finally after all the years that they had to live apart, everything felt right again.

" I love you!" he breathed gently and took her head lightly between his hands before he stole a gentle kiss from her lips and looked at her, full of love and adoration.

"And I love you" she barely whispered with the same gentleness in her voice and held his gaze with a look full of affection and love while she gently ran down his arm until she entwined his fingers with hers.

"I would like to know how you got the lion tattoo. Please don't get me wrong, I think it's really sexy and maskulin. I am just curious! Now that we are finally together,I want to know every inch of you" Regina laughed slightly and traced the tattoo gently with her fingertips, her gaze lovingly directed at him.

"Not only did you live your life dear, I also lived my life after my resurrection! I fought under the name Robin of Locksley better known as Robin Hood for King Richard Lionheart, took from the rich and gave to the poor and this tattoo," he showed his arm to her again, so that his fiancée could see the mark well, "is the proof of my loyalty to my king" he said gently and when he finished this sentence Regina could see the pride that was in Daniel, no, his name was Robin now. Robin Hood.

"Hey ... I thought I was your queen thief. And I better be the only" queen "in your life," interrupted Regina and pretended to be outraged and disappointed, but then immediately giggled a little too girlishly and liberated that Daniel could see, that it was more of a joke than a real complaint or threat.

"Of course! You were, are and will always be my only and true queen. But ..." he began and slowly ran down her upper arm with his fingers when he paused, as if he wanted to apologize for the following sentences before he even continued, which left Regina more than suspicious.

" There was there another woman ... and a child. Their names are Marian and Roland of Locksley" he added the small but significant fact about his precious life without Regina, quietly and ashamed, not knowing how she would react to it.

"And you though about telling me.... when exactly? Now, after we slept together, after I introduced you to Henry, after ... I wish I had never woken you up ROBIN ... the fuck who are you. I have the feeling that I don't know who you were or who you are anymore. Do you still love me. Did you love me at all? "Regina started to rise her voice trembling and her heart, which had almost popped out of her chest with love and affection for her fiancé seconds ago, felt as if someone just crushed at that very moment.

"Regina, Janey ... It's not what it looks like," Daniel tried to explain, but already noticed after the words slipped almost too easily over his lips, that they caused exactly the opposite in the pretty black-haired woman than it was meant to be.

"It's not what it looks like? How do you think does it looks like for me? Please, this phrase is known even in this world and a bit too unimaginative to explain to his fiancée that you cheated on her.There is a child. That is the proof that IT happened by the way. Because sperm donation was only possible the natural way in the enchanted forest. You know ... I made myself sterile for you. You were, You are the only man I want children with. In contrary to you, I have always lived my life with the ulterior motive of what this saddle ring means and has meant to us. I never forget that I was promised to you. At least the thing we had meant something to me. In contrary to you! I should have known. How stupid of me ... Evil never get a happy ending " whispered Regina with a trembling voice full of disappointment and anger already close to tears, while dressing in a hurry simply ignoring Daniel's pleading and the request to listen to him.

"Regina please just listen to me for a moment, okay? I've always loved you you have to believe me! Marian, Roland's mother, died after his birth and I was a single father for a long time, with the help of my companions called the Merry men. A couple of years I was happy with my son and my new job on behalf of Richard the Lionheart ... but then, the pain in my body, that was caused by my resurrection began to get too strong until it overcame me and I became that much of a monster that I had to leave Roland with my Merry Men because I knew that he was fine there and that he was safe from me. I don't even know if they made it here to Storybrooke. And I've been looking for you Regina my heart has ever belonged to you! Only to you. Marian was ... "he began and It hurted him to watch how Regina turned her head away from him and exhaled for a long time, as if she had to regain control over herself again, knowing that neither she nor Daniel, she reminded to herself that the man in front of her called himself Robin now, was in fault at this situation and yet she could not hide or get over the jealousy she harbored against this woman called Marian of Locksley.

"Sorry ... it's just ... I can't stand, that even if she is dead now... that you two share a bond, a connection, deeper as the bond we will ever share with each other. She is the mother of your son. She gave you an heir. Something that my body will never be able to give you... "Regina made herself clear in a whisper to her Daniel, who now called himself Robin, and there was such an amount of hurt in her look which the man next to her had never seen.

And when he saw it, he really didn't want to be the reason for it.

"Regina now, please listen to me for a second. I know I hurt you incredibly so that I could live my life, but neither of us thought that we would meet again. And no matter what you say now, I don't regret any of it..." he started and took a deep breath bevor he continued, " Because after all... i have Roland now. Marian is dead Regina. And I can assure you, I never loved her the way I love you. I love you Regina. i love you soo much! More than my own life. I would die for you 1000 times more if it saves you or let you live. I wish you could believe me and we could find Roland and be a family with Henry. As it should have been from the start. You and me, happily in love, we have children together ... I see it in your eyes. You want it too, "said Robin gently to his fiancée and gently took her hands in his, before he lifted them to his lips and kissed her fingertips lovingly.

" Please help me find our son. "He breathed gently and gifted Regina a gentle but pleading look, who could no longer hold back the tears of the excessive love for Daniel / Robin when she realized that all her dreams would come true in a heartbeat.She has a family with Daniel that no one would take away from her and whoever tried, would have to take on the evil queen in her personally.

"There are clearly advantages to being the person responsible for the curse. I know where OUR boy is. And that's not even 10 minutes from here. "She explained gently and now almost hurriedly continued to dress properly, which her fiancé immediately followed in a hurry a little bit over exited.

" This is my fiancée. let's get our son back, "Robin agreed immediately, incredibly proud, and stole a little kiss from her lips before they left Regina's house, hand in hand, their love stronger than bevor.

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