The kiss of true love

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Then we have to find another way to make this SOMETHING your Prince Charming again! "David interjected immediately and began to walk restlessly in circles, always pausing to look at Regina partly questioningly and partly helplessly.

"Do I look as if I hav..." the black-haired woman exclaimed almost in a hurry before jumping up and taking both, David and Henry by their hands now running towards the center of Storybrooke.

"Regina ... it's great that you have an idea. But would you be so kind and let us know? "exclaimed the substitute sheriff in surprise when he was grabbed by his archenemy and dragged through the streets.

" Rumpelstiltskin ... He promised me that he would find a way to bring Daniel back to life do. He surely can help us! "she explained and continued to run without talking until they almost stumbled into Mr. Gold's shop and Regina impatiently rang the customer bell.

" Always so impatient, Dearie, "the fistling voice of the person appeard before the man stepped in front of them and waited for one of the three people who were standing in his sales room to start talking.

"What did you do with Daniel? And how do you break the curse? "The" evil queen " shouted at Mr. Gold immediately and, demonstrating her power by propping herself up on the counter, staring into the eyes of her interlocutor.

" And why ... should I give you an answer. You know ... everything comes with a price dearie, "replied Mr. Gold in an amused voice but stepped out from behind his desk so that he was now standing in front of Regina.

" It's quite simply because through the years of the curse we have become something like friends. And ... because when it works I give up my magic. That means ... if it works ... you have one rival less! "She said at the end and only when she had finished her statement she realize what power it had.

" Deal ... "the man of the same age grinned and held out her hand, which she took almost impatiently urging him to go on.

"All right, Dearie .... As you probably know, this kind of magic cannot be combated with ordinary magic ...." the man of the same age began calmly, but then hurried to take up his word again, as he noticed how restless the woman was in front of him.

"What did you think of. How did you want to save your Charming?" he went on the offensive and his gaze almost pierced Regina.

"The kiss of true love! "answered the pretty, slender woman calmly and with a firm voice, which elicited a snort from Rumpelstiltskin.

" How naive Dearie ... I clearly expected more from you. You are otherwise so smart. But now you're suddenly acting like the Charmings. In this case, you must have missed the fact that your dearest loved one turned into a zombie for better or worse and your mother also tore his heart out! "He explained the grievance of the situation very precisely and had to suppress a grin.

" Yes I know that ... but maybe ... maybe he remembers me ... or God help me ... do you have a better idea to free him from his condition without killing him? "Regina shouted at Rumple and didn't even bother trying to throw him against the wall with magic because she knew she was going to lose anyway.

"No, you're right. I have no other solution. And it's definitely worth a try. But we cannot use magic. That means me and Charming have to hold your prince charming while you try to kiss him without getting killed. The thought alone makes me feel sick, "said Mr. Gold and faked gagging noises, which Regina only acknowledged with an impatient eye roll.

" What are we waiting for? "She exclaimed, clearly nervous and excited, and tore herself away from Mr. Gold to go straight ahead to the stables.

The fresh air made her think clearly again and suddenly brought her close to what a promise or rather a deal she had just made and that there is no turning back now.

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