Family relationship fixes...

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"Your names are Roland and Henry?" Robin heard Regina ask with a big smile, her complete attention focused on the two boys who were stranger to her and who were actually her adoptive sons and that was all it took to throw Robin's Emotions he tried so hard to pull together out of balance. 

Here she was, the woman of his life, the woman of his dreams, his wife. So close and yet so incredibly far. 

He could easily sit next to her on the bench, wrap an arm around her waist or kiss her hair while whispering in her ear how proud he was of her and their daughter and how sorry he felt for not being there for her during her pregnancy and the first years of Robertas life, but that he will do everything not to leave them again. 

He wanted to tell her in tears, that Roberta was the miracle they had never dared hope for, because she was supposed to be barren. 

And then he would kiss her. Oh god and how he would kiss her. He wouldn't care that they were in a public bed and breakfast, everyone here knew that they were a married couple and that they hadn't seen each other for years. 

Except for Regina herself. She didn't remember anything. And that made all of this impossible, if he didn't want to be a pervert in Reginas mind, even if her 3 rings on her right ring finger proved everyone otherwise. For they don't mean anything 

Oh he was sure, if this will go on like that he will for sure go crazy!

 "What do you two want to eat, I'll order" he tried again to gain the upper hand over himself but noticed that he failed miserably when the first tears rolled silently down his cheek and Regina looked at him in surprise, not knowing how she should react on a man, she bearly know, tearing up in front of her, without reason.

And than again, there where the two boys, who seemed to know her better than she knew herself. 

" Why can't I call her Gina?" she recalled the question of the younger one, Roland, to the older one, Henry, which was cut off with a silent " Because mom doesn't remember. Nothing. We have to do this slowly" bevor the older one took the hand of the younger ones to ease his heartache for not being with his "mother" as he wanted to be. 

For some reason Regina doesn't even had a problem to imagine herself as the wife of this man, who was offering meal and company immediately, as well as being a mother to the two boys. 

She felt more unsettled with the fact that her life seems to be a lie. And that her memories where completely gone as well that everyone included to this/her family seemed to suffer right now.

 "I'm going for the chicken salad." Regina decided to overplay this kind of awaked scene and to look at the selection of meals over the counter and gave her unexpected, very emotional date, "A man who is obviously the single parent of two sons and had other worries than crawling after her for sure", a gentle smile to courage him before she turned with a "Cosa voresti mangare piccola ... Dimmi pure ..." and stroked her light brown hair again.

 "Se voi puoi provare un hamburger alla Granny's. E Buono", Henry, the older, cut off the answer of his sister's broken, false Italian, but suddenly she felt a rush of mother-instincts rush truth her, as she felt unbelievable proud of him to actually consider learning a new language just for his missing sister and mother.

"Henry Mills ... She is only five ... Roberta will learn how to love hamburger fast enough. Maybe we find something healthier." Robin's father instincts rushed in at him immediately and the look he gave his and Regina's eldest son would have killed Henry for sure.

 "Vorrei la lasangna alla mammà" the little girl almost complained and made everyone in the room burst out laughing at the same time, because everyone could understand "Lasagna" and "Mammà" and already tasted Reginas magical lasagna. 

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