in sickness and health, maby forever...

24 1 0

"Janey, everything's all right?" mumbled Robin gently and turned slightly in the large double bed when the woman who was just lying under the covers with him jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom like a scaled cat and threw up as if someone hit the " trew up" button, in the exact moment when she was over the toilette.

2 Weeks had passed since they found out that Daniel, who called himself Robin now, has a son and that this son was in the orphanage of Storybrooke and the process of returning the boy, Roland, to his family aagain had started.

Two weeks full of passionate evenings and sleepless pleasureful nights, without protection.(They knew they don't need protection because Regina can't get pregnant anyway and they want to try despite everything)

"Janey?" he mumbled again, a little more awake, after his body had also realized that the woman of his dreams was clearly no longer next to him, which, mixed with the choking sound from the bathroom, made him feel more than unsettling.

"Hey ... are you ok?" he whispered gently in her ear as he kneeled behind his fiancée and wrapped one hand around her waist without hesitation, gently rocking back and for with her , while he stroked her hair with the other free hand.

"Do I look like everything is okay? Would I throw up if everything would be okay?" Regina snapped at him without thinking and suddenly looked quite irritated and drained at the same time.

"Ok, I was an idiot ..." Robin was about to start apologizing to his fiancée for his stupid question, but hardly got as far because the queen of cynicism immediately cut him off  with "Finally something we can agree on" bevor her body stiffened instinctively.

"Listen, Regina, I just want to help you. You are not well and I'm worried about you." the former thief tried to get through to his queen and the lady of his heart, who did not really listen to him because she vomited again loudly so she had to use all her strength to choke out her no longer available food without success, simply ignoring her sharp comment, because he knew  she said this out of the heat of the moment.

"Regina, I can pick up Roland from the orphanage alone and you'll meet him here. You need a little rest. And you definitely don't need to play strong here in front of your family. I / we are there for you!" Robin whispered gently, stroking her back in small circles.

" Better?" it was more of a statement than a question as the pretty black-haired woman straightened up a bit and relaxed a little in the embrace, so that he could see that she had to feel a little more comfortable again.

"Yeah" was all that left her lips weakly, while Robin simply picked her up and carried her into their shared bedroom.

"Take a rest. Do you need anything? Tea, crackers? You haven't had breakfast yet!" he whispered lovingly against her forehead and gave her a gentle kiss before he got dressed quickly, as he had to keep an appointment to bring his son into their perfect little family.

"That's nice, but I can't even get water down at the moment. I think I'll just stay in bed and try to get some sleep. Don't worry too much darling!" the former evil queen whispered in love and with her eyes closed, exhausted, snuggled into the warm, soft bed, which at the moment seemed more than tempting to her.

"Ok. You have my number. If you need something just call and I'll be here in a second" Robin promised immediately and stroked her covered body again worriedly, as if he didn't want to leave his fiancée alone.

"Out of the question. Our son has priority one today. I'll still be there tomorrow. I won't die for a few hours. Now go!" Regina almost forced Robin out of the bedroom, demonstratively closing her eyes, hoping that Henry would sleep a little longer today to give her complete silence.

"Who is that now, for gods sake, can't a queen get her beauty sleep?" The pretty black-haired woman grumbled, exhausted, and rolled more badly out of bed when the bell rang in an attempt to get up, and the dizziness tied her back to the bed.

"Thanks Henry" Regina whispered more to herself, because her son couldn't hear her anyway because her voice was way too soft.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Scorpesce, but neither my mom nor Robin are at home ..." began Henry and wanted to get the stranger he knew out  from the house again, but apparently had little success.

"Henry it's ok ..." was all Regina said tired and drained when she finally got up and leaned into the door frame of the bedroom to support herself, which meant that she was now completely in front Olivia and Henry.

"Oh darling, you look like shit," the new woman in town, who became a friend of Regina's despite Emma and Mary Magret's warning, didn't mince her words, the expression on her face radiating concern in contrast to the shape of her voice.

"I take it as a compliment..." Regina said, half annoyed, but then asked Olivia into her room so that she could lie down again.

"What's wrong Honey?" Asked Olivia a lot more seriously and more gently than before and stroked Regina almost maternally over her short, straight black hair, since the mother instincts of Cora kicked in just in that moment, knowing that she couldn't show it in front of Regina.

Her daughter looked anything but healthy and if she didn't know better, the thought of her daughter expecting a baby would crossed her mind immediately.

"Could it be that you and Robin are expecting a child? I mean ... nausea, dizziness, stomach cramps, when was the last time you had your days again? Did you use protection at all ..." she simply let her intuition  act and determined exactly what an innocent person would have noticed about their daughter who was so close to her.

"Don't ... Please Olivia ... please don't make it harder than it is. The worst thing you can give me now is hope ..." the pretty woman started, rather sharp and hard, but then remembered that Olivia just wanted to help, so that her facial expressions softened again from one second to the other and she now began to explain to her newfound friend why her reaction was so unusual, "Olivia, I cannot have children, that has been medically proven and that won't change from one second to the next either. I'm sure that this is just a flu, nothing earth-shattering, "she continued a little softer and her gaze was slightly transfigured while she quickly collected herself again to not to burst into tears.

"Honey, knowing about such a diagnosis is clearly not easy. And you don't have to play the strong in front of me Regina. You can cry! Your M ... friend is there for you! You can rely on that!" Cora whispered in Olivia's Scorpesce's voice sympathetically and caring, just as she had always imagined.

And there she was, in the embrace of her daughter who, through her immortality and the transformation into a mortal, was almost the same age as her, trying to protect the woman from her, even though she already knew it was because of the young pregnancy the infertility potion would result in a miscarriage.

Even if Regina didn't though that she could possibly be pregnant, deep in her heart she knew that her daughter was expecting.

Despite of the infertility potion.

"God please let this child develope!" she prayed silently and at the moment she hugged Regina a little tighter, as if she could use it to hold back fate.

And in that moment she knew ... she had to do everything possible to protect her daughter and grandchild from the upcoming harm.

And that meant that Regina had to be free of all her magic.

Her daughter had to go to a place where the laws of magic and thus of this potion did not work. She had to go back to the land without magic ... the real world!

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