Chapter 12

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     Steve and Bucky stumbled through the base's thick metal doors. The Black Panther stood out strikingly against the snow. Upon seeing him, the two super soldiers prepared themselves to fight.

     T'Challa put a hand up. "I am not going to hurt you. I know now that I was after the wrong man."

     Steve's entire stance relaxed in relief that T'Challa too had learned the truth about the bombing. "We could use your help. There is a girl, one of the Winter Soldiers, still inside. We need to wake her up and get her out of here."

      T'Challa motioned towards Bucky. "He is in no condition to help with this."

     Bucky started to protest, but Steve gently cut him off. "He's right, Buck. It's best if you wait in the Quinjet."

     After boarding the craft, Bucky sat down in defeat. 

     Steve rested his hand on his friend's shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry. It's gonna be okay, Buck. We'll get her. She'll be alright. I promise." 

     Bucky gave a half-hearted smile which faded away to nothing as Steve disappeared behind the closing Quinjet door.

    "Captain, do not worry about Zemo. He will not be going anywhere." T'Challa nodded towards his jet where the Sokovian was bound.

     "Thank you, Your Highness."

     The two men entered the HYDRA base together and Steve led the way to the abandoned lab.

     "She will most likely be hostile," T'Challa commented.

     "Waking up after being frozen for the past few decades will do that to you," said Steve dryly.

     T'Challa spent the next few minutes clicking away on an ancient computer. Finally, the Chamber's glass moved up with a whoosh and white icy fog flooded out.

     Steve and T'Challa removed the girl from her prison. Even though she held some level of consciousness, she was unresponsive and unable to walk. Steve tenderly picked her up and carried her in his arms bridal style. Her eyes slipped shut and her body went slack. She reminded Steve of the last woman he had carried like this. She also was a Russian trained killer, but had red hair instead of blonde.

     After returning to the Quinjet, Steve secured her as best he could. Rescuing a HYDRA trained assassin had not exactly been on the agenda for this mission and there were not many supplies on board to provide aid in this unique situation.

     "I must deliver Zemo to receive the world's justice for his crimes against the United Nations," T'Challa informed Steve.

     "Bucky and I have a few last loose ends to tie up ourselves. Thank you for everything, Your Highness," Steve said gratefully.

     "I could be of more help than you realize, Captain."

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