Chapter 4 - Ellie's view

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Her heart came shattering through her aching body. But-I thought. It was no longer the sorrow she was feeling. It was jealousy, anger. 

I actually thought she liked me

Ellie felt the heavy weight of jealousy on her shoulders. 

Jamie? Jamie...I didn't know she even saw him that way.

Ellie saw them pull away after about 2 minutes. They were smiling. Lottie's face was beaming with joy and so was Jamie's. Ellie had never seen him smile that way before. She saw Jamie give a quick grin before walking off to the breakfast hall. Lottie was left there, giggling and touching her lips.

Ellie considered taking a step into the room from the staircase where she was observing from, but was it a good idea? She ended up waiting for Lottie to follow Jamie into the hall before instead of revealing her presence to them. 

Jamie and Lottie - Rosewood ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now