Raya glared at the two of them walk down the hall of the mental hospital. Damon raised his eyebrows and started to walk away, I wrapped my arm around Rayas shoulders and pulled her into me. She sighed annoyed.

"Problem, m'lady?" I asked, she looked up at me and shook her head. I couldn't tell if it was a response or just a head shake. I held her in closer to me as we walked away.

"I'm not yours." She whispered very calm and quietly. And she was right, she wasnt mine. Anymore. She wasnt mine anymore. She looked up at me as an idea popped in her head, she giggled and looked me in the eyes. "In another life time, loser." She teased me, a full smile on her face, letting me know it wasnt an insult.

I smiled back down at her weakly and she lost her joy, I then lost mine. As Damon exited the door I stopped and she stopped too, she stepped in front of me.

"I just have one question." I said closing my eyes shut. "You picked him..?" I just needed more clarification.

"I had to... Kai I'm in love with him. He is the one for me. The biggest decision of my life was because of him, I am what I am because of him. I love him, Malachai." She was sweet about this. I didn't want her to be sweet and kind and understanding about this. I wanted her to yell at me for asking again, for making her have to explain why I'm not right for her. For putting her in despair for telling me I can't be there for her in the way I want to be.

I wanted her to scream and yell and corner me, I wanted her mad at me for asking.

"What about us?" I asked as calmly as she did.

"There shouldn't be any us, Kai... everything you are- we arent supposed to be together. And you know that."

I wanted her mad. So now I'd have to make her mad. I balled my fists and I could feel the heat rush to my face. "Then why were we together? Because you wanted a distraction? Is that all I am to you?!" God, this was going to hurt me more than it would hurt her.

"No! Kai how I feel is very hard to explain- I didnt want to hurt either of you and you knew that coming into this! Look, right now I'm having to choose between who I should be and who I want to be."

"And your final choice?" I asked, trying to show anger more than I felt.

"Who I should be."


"But you should-" She interrupted me.

"Dont you dare argue with my decision Kai. Just leave it be, ok? Just leave it be." The sadness shone through her eyes and her voice, I wanted to bring her into a hug and hold her so badly. But I couldn't.

Her choice was to be who she should be instead of who she wants to be. And that means that I was who she wants to be, meaning she wants me.

She wants me and I'd see to it that I get her before someone takes us out.

Keeping my act going, I scoffed and looked away from her. I didn't want to be mad at her, but I wanted her mad at me. Or at least I did. She kept her eyes on my face.

"Can we just leave this between us? This conversation, this topic, all of it."

"Why, you afraid your boyfriend will find out about it?" I scowled down at her.

"No, because with anyone else in the room or car or whatever, you'll put on an even bigger act than what your doing now. You'll get out of control and I wont be able to help you without Damon getting upset at me."

"How so."

"Well whenever I seem to calm you down, I just talk rationally and force you to look at me." She said resting her hands on my shoulders. "Your heart rate always slows down to beat to mine, and your breathing decreases." I had barely noticed that one hand moved to my cheek while the other had pressed my palm against her chest to feel her heart. "Like that." She giggled, pulling away from me entirely.

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