Chapter 6 : Leaving the island

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AN: you're all probably gonna hate me that I'm cutting the ASL content short.So sorry. N e wayz back to the story
Back in their room faces still sporting a pink hue however they made a new bet. The first one to become the Pirate King would get Y/n as their Pirate Queen. With content nods they drifted of the the black abyss know as slumber.

Y/n p.o.v.

Now that I think about it it's been a really long time since I've been here. 1 year 10 months 3 weeks and 4 days. I was meant to leave after the first year butttt I needed money and skills to survive in the world. So I have a job as a barmaid at Makino's bar. The other ones are like part-time internships. They's the shipwright, cheif, sniper, doctor, navigator and blacksmith apprenticeship. So it's safe to say I learned quite a lot. The whole town knows me and we're on friendly terms. I'm due to leave the island in a bit over a month.
The only problem is how to break it to the boys. They've gotten quite attached to me and I'm pretty sure they don't think I was gonna leave since I already stayed the extra year. I know they're all gonna be sad but the one I'm most worried for is Ace. He isn't the most stable when it comes to me leaving. I once went on a week trip to get at better handle on sailing, but he thought I was abandoning him because of his father.
This is going to be one hell of a month.
You were out in the bar doing... bar stuff(?). The boys were horking down their food at an alarming rate. "When I make my crew the first thing I'm getting is the best cheif in the world!" Sabo exclaimed shoving more food into his mouth. "Nuh uh, they're gonna be on my crew" Luffy retorted. "Actually mine since I'm setting sail first" Ace countered cockily. Luffy stood up on the table "THATS NOT FAIR IM GONNA BE KING OF THE PIRATES SO THEY'LL BE ON MY CREW" He huffed triumphantly when the other two were shaking in fear.
During his little outburst Luffy failed to notice the new presence towering over him. "Guraguragura so you boys are still on about that pirate nonsense" the figure laughed darkly behind them. "It seems you need my Fist of Love to knock some sense into you"
He turned to Sabo while the other two were writhing in pain holding their heads. "Who are you boy?" He asks quite intimidatingly. Before Sabo can utter a word Luffy speaks. "That's Sabo and he's gonna be a pirate along with me and Ace and whoever becomes Pirate King gets Y/n as their Pirate Queen" Ace looked at him as if trying to telepathically tell him to shut up.
At this you spit out the drink you were having coughing slightly as well. "W-what?!" You stuttered out.
This was new news for you since when were you gonna be a pirate queen. "You're gonna be our Piraye Queen" Luffy beamed. With that Garp turned his Fist of Love on you and Sabo having heard enough. You allowed him to hit you on the head. Because it's not like it hurt anyway but as he was about to hit Sabo you put your hand over his head preventing it from touching him.
Garp actually stumbled back when his swing was interrupted.
"Now Gramps it's a bit harsh to hit them just for their ambition" I smiled shaking my head, but Garp could sense the subtle rage behind my words. He started to shake "B-but Y/n y-you have to b-beat the i-idea out o-of them e-early on" he stuttered out. The boys were shocked to see the mighty Garp act like a frightened kitten.
"Instead of beating them why don't you train them, they could use it." You turned to the boys and said "no offense". They shook their head that they weren't.
With renewed energy Garp smiled darkly and turned to the boys. "Yeah good idea Y/n, boys come on outside let's go train" the boys broke into a sprint like their lives were on the line. In a sense they were. You just chuckled and went back to work
It was now the end of the day and the boys came back home quite battered up. You were in the process of fixing them up. Now was as good a time as any, you had to tell them. You didn't want to say it to them the day before you leave. You wouldn't drop a bomb on them like that. So the earlier you did this the earlier they forgave you.
You took a deep breath. "So boys..." you started their attention now fully yours. "You all know that I love you very much and I could never hate you for anything" they were confused at what you were getting at but let you continue nonetheless. "Unfortunately.... I will be...." It took all your will power to ushered out the last word, even though it came out as a shadow of a whisper "leaving" your head was low you couldn't bring yourself to look at them.
"Drip drip"
That was the sound of their tears hitting the oakwood floorboards. Your head shot up to the sound, they looked at you in pure betrayal. Their eyes searching yours to see any hint that this wasn't true, there wasn't you were dead serious. They got up and made a beeline for the door, you were too ashamed of yourself to even stop them. So you only had your glossy eyes trained on their receding backs. Getting smaller and smaller till they were out of sight.
You got up from the floor and went to bed, pillow on your face you let out a deafening hoarse scream only minimally muffled by the said pillow on your face.
After exerting all of your energy screaming and crying salty tears you blacked out.
3 weeks have gone by there's only one week left until your departure. The three boys have been ignoring you this whole time. They won't utter a single word to you. Any food you made they pushed it away, even Luffy and that's saying something. They look at it like it was poison. It truly hurt to be treated like that by the boys that you cared so much about. You've talked to them multiple times explaining you had to leave and it wasn't because of them . And each time you were met with the same suffocating silence.
Even Gramps and Makino tried to talk some sense into them but the results were the same, futile. You tried to busy yourself with the remaining odd jobs you had to finish, but the looks that were etched on their faces never left your mind, absolute betrayal is what they displayed.
It was now the day before your departure. You were saying goodbye to all the townfolk since you were gonna leave at the break of dawn the next morning.
You were on your way to the shipwright you were an apprentice for, Michael. You had to collect your ship today.
"Hey Michael, I here to collect King Charles the first (the name of your ship) and make the final payment" you had a thick envelope in your hand ready to be given to him. "Y/n how many times do I have to tell you that I'm not taking the final payment on him" he said giving a nasty glare to the envelope in your hands.
You chuckle. Holding your hands up as if at gunpoint "fine fine but it was worth a try". you said smiling widely. There was a sparkle in Micheals eyes and the he went on a tangent about the King sized bed and other features he added to the ship as a somewhat parting gift.
AN: just imagine the bedroom however you want also the boat was of medium size not too bright or small
As you were making your way back to the bandit hut people were giving you gifts left and right. You received lots but the gun and the sword were your favourite. What can you say they looked cool.

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