Chapter 5 : She's mine

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"good night Ace Sabo and Luffy, I love you guys very much" they all blushed at your last sentence, but replied nevertheless. The last thing you heard was "goodnight Y/n we love you too" That night you all feel asleep with content smiles on your faces.

ASL p.o.v.

The light seeped in through the slightly ajar curtains. The warm rays of the sun dancing on the boys sleeping form. Urging them to wake from their slumber. Upon opening their slightly crusted eyes they were met with the sight of a goddess.

Her hair was an untamed majestic mane, a few curly strands stray their way to her face only to further enhance Y/n's beauty. There was a line of drool escaping her slightly parted lips. To be honest she looked like an absolute mess in the morning but the boys saw unrivaled beauty.

After realizing they were staring as if on que pink adorned their squishable child faces. They quickly but carefully scurried out of the bed and made it outside of the room. They gently slammed(?) the door, their backs rested up against it. They were breathing heavy and still looked like a flustered mess.

"Hey guys I feel funny..." Luffy's voice still hushed said. "My chest feels all warm and my belly feels empty and light but I'm not hungry" he continued trying to figure out what he's feeling. Then it hit him "IM SICK GUYS IM GONNA DIEEEEEE" his quite tone long forgotten and tears threatening to spill.


"You're not gonna die, Luffy, I feel the same I feel really happy and giddy so I don't think we're sick" Sabo elaborated. "Hey doesn't Makino always have an answer maybe she know why" Ace suggested looking off to the side to avoid the stares on him. "Shishishi ne, Ace you feel ok like us too" Luffy laughted sounding like a dieing bird.

(AN: let's just pretend Makino lives on the same island)

They decided to go to Makino and get answers for their weird illness.
After a short treck through the forest they made it Makino's bar. They slammed the door open and ran to Makino behind the bar.

"MAKINO MAKINO WE'RE SICK" They shout as they run into her arms. She stumbles back upon impact and has a worried expression on. "Sick, sick.....your not sick" she says as she's feeling all of their temperatures.

"But but I always find it hard to breathe and I get sweaty palms in front of Y/n" Sabo explained slightly nervous "My face heats up and I sometimes JUST sometimes stutter when I talk to her" Ace continued blushing furiously. "Also it feels like my belly is really warm and light but I'm not hungry" Luffy said with worry.

Makino blinked. Then erupted I a fit of laughter. The boys now harbouring offended faces. When she finally calmed down wiping away a tear from her eye she said "Boys I think you're in love with Y/n. Everything you just described were signs you're in love. But if you really love her you have to treat her right like a true gentlemen" she half informed half lectured.

As if the gears in their head started to turn processing the new information. "IN LOVE" "WITH" "Y/N" Each one of them shouted stating a different word from the sentence. Shock still present in their faces till Ace blurted out "I guess I'll have to make her my wife" curtly nodding after his statement. The other two now looked towards him in anger "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR WIFE" Both hollered at the same time. "If Y/n is gonna marry anyone that'd be me I'm her favorite" Sabo said jerking his thumb to his chest solidifying his point. Luffy crossed his arms and puffed out his chest "Well Y/n always kisses my boo boos so I bet she loves me more"

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