"What are you talking about you ass hat? Jessica if fucking dead." Mike drops it, feeling the grip on his jacket loosen.

Josh's face drops. "What?"

"Did you hear me?! Jessica is dead, and you're gonna fucking pay, you dick!" Mike lets all the brewed anger explode, whacking the maniac over the head with his gun. Josh falls to the ground, knocked out cold.

(Y/N), Washington Lodge Grounds: 03:41

Chris and Mike roughly escort a bound Josh to the shed with (Y/N) trailing behind. Considering she was the one who Josh was closest with after the death of his sister, it only seemed right she was the calm in the storm.

"Guys! Guys come on... seriously, this is crazy, you know?" Josh calls.

"Shut up." Mike orders and so Josh directs his attention to the other two, who were not as fired up as their companion.

"Chris, bro..."

"I'm not your bro."

"Where are we going? Where are you guys taking me?"

"Locking you up, bro." Mike states and Josh looks at him like he was the crazy one. "What?"

"So you can't do anything stupid before we call the police in the morning." (Y/N) tells him and she shakes his head. "Come on! I didn't do anything-

"Are you serious, bro?"

"You're a goddamned murderer is what you are."

"I didn't do it, Michael please! Just listen to me, man! I did not hurt Jessica-" On her name, he focuses on (Y/N), who crosses her arms. She holds a guilty expression of allowing them to do this to him.

"Josh -"

"(Y/N), please, you know me! I did not kill Jessica -"

"You know what man? You need to shut up." Chris orders, protective over his friend and Josh lets out a breath. "Chris, hey, come on Cochise, we're partners."

"Stop! Don't say that."

"Oh, fine. Be a dick!"

Mike pushes him towards the shed as he continues yelling at the trio: "You only see what you wanna see! You're blind!"

"Stop talking." He grits through his teeth, forcing the teenager to his feet. "You are - argh!" Josh calls out in pain, being shoved to the floor. "It's not my fault you suckers can't take a joke."

"Oh, oh wait, did I hurt you? Did you just feel a little... a little bit of pain? Right now I am so, so sorry." Mike shouts, twisting his arm.

Josh screams out in pain and (Y/N) grabs him. "Michael!" She scolds, pulling him back slightly.

"Stop. Michael. I'm sorry." Josh pleads, looking up to the (H/C), who was biting the inside of her cheek.

"I can't tell how sorry I am that something happened to Jessica but I swear, I swear to you that I have no idea what happened to her."

"Josh? Be honest with me. Do you really expect us to trust you, for a single goddamned second, after all the shit you put us through?" Chris fumes, Josh being brought back to kneeling.

"Chris, come on - I - I don't think he would do anything to hurt Jess." (Y/N) says and Mike turns to her.

"We saw what he did to her -"

"No, Mike, we saw - we saw -" She stumbles over her words, waving her hands about to try and get a point. "Shit, I don't know."

"Can't we all just get along?" Josh chuckles and Mike grabs his arm with force, making him cry out again. "We're not dicking around." He threatens, pulling him to his feet, with the gun to his chin.

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