There favorite thing about you (PR)|

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Miguel- Your positivity, You tend to make any situation happier and more positive. EX~

"ugh I'm so worried about the all valley, Johnny has been really hard on us recently" He said

"Oh cheer up, Why don't we go get slushies and You can tell me how your going to kick everyone's ass's" You said in a enthusiastic tone.

Hawk- Your humor and Your ability to make him feel better, Since you have known hawk since he was Eli, he would always call you over when he needed comfort, You would always make him laugh and He would almost always go to bed with a sore stomach from laughing so hard. EX~

"aww baby, what happend?" you asked. He had tears in his eyes, and his sweater was wet.

"Im so sick of being bullied" he said sadly as you pulled him into a hug.

"Im sorry for just throwing this on you, how was your day?" he asked with a sniffle

"Hey, don't apologize. My day went fantastic, I learned that dork actually means whale dick" You said with a slight smile. He chuckled softly and before he knew it his tears were being replaced with tears of laughter while you talked about how awful Kyler's mohawk is.

Robbie- Your love for others, You would do anything for the people you love. He has always admired that about you. EX~

You were balancing visiting robby in jail and Seeing your grandpa in the hospital. It took alot of work but everything was perfect,

"Im sorry i was late" you said as you sat down at the extremely uncomfortable tables at the jail

"Its alright love, can i ask why?" he asked, You had not told him about you visiting both him and your grandpa, you knew he would be mad at you for not spending time with your grandpa.

"My grandpas sick" i whispered.

Even though he was a little frustrated he still admired how much you cared about the people you Love.

Young Johnny- Your kindness, he loves how you see the best in everyone. EX~

He was pacing around the room while shouting out random profanities  about sid.

"calm down helmet head" you said while wrapping your arms around his neck. He immediately calmed down under your touch.

"I cant stand that bastard" he said 

"I know you cant stand him but you cant judge someone you don't know. He doesn't know you and you don't know him, okay" You said softly"

"ok" he whispered 

He defiantly didn't understand it but he respected and admired it about you a lot.

Young Daniel-  your stubbornness, as cliché as it may sound he loves how when your mind is set no one is going to change it. EX~

"can we just go home" he begged.

"no I'm gonna have a conversation with the cobras that think they can fuck with you" You said.

He chuckled but thought it was adorable.

Demetri- Your motivation. He loves how you wont stop doing something until its done. EX~

"How long have you been studying for" he asked through the phone.

"maybe like 3 hours" you said while chuckling,

"babe you need to take a break" he said with a chuckle.

"not until this is done" you said.

Moon- your patience, you never blow up on her. EX~

"I love u, i gotta go to sams" She said expecting you to be mad.

"Love u too, have fun" you said while scrolling through Instagram.

She smiled to herself before Grabbing her car keys and driving off.

Sam- Your determination, you wont stop doing something until its perfect..(similar to demetri) EX~

"Love you have been trying to do this  karate move for 45 minutes, why dont we take a break?" she said

"Nope not until this is perfect" you said with a smile.

She chuckled before going inside to get you some water

Tori- Your listening skills, You always listen carefully to her rants and always know what to say.

"She is such a little bitch, so fucking manipulative, she thinks everything is about her" she said wrapping up her 3rd rant of the night.

You just listened while running your hands through her hair while her head was on your lap.

A/N: This took so long but was so worth it :)

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