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(A/N: Hello Everyone! I just want to say this chapter has a HUGE trigger warning, and is kinda rushed. When I wrote this chapter in 2021, I was struggling with my mental health. To anyone who read this book during that time, I am sorry if anything triggered you cause that wasn't my intention.

I loosely based this on what happened to me, so while it may seem rushed that's just how quickly it went for me as far as the trigger warning goes. Everything after that is just poorly written😭

Anyways, enjoy?)

I woke up to Piper's bed empty. I got up and read the note she left on my dresser.

I know your probably confused, but I'm at a doctor's appointment. I'll be coming into school a little late.

Love, Piper

Ok well that answers my question. I get dressed and grab my money. I make sure I brought my charger just incase I need to charge my phone in class. I start walking to Dunkin Donuts, when I feel a hand on my shoulder. How did Gavin know I was going here.

" Gavin how did you know I was going-" I say as I turn around. Instead of Gavin I see.. Wait no... nonono this can't be happening. I-It's my uncle! I try running, but he grabs me and won't let go.

" WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" I yell while tryna break free

" Cause your my niece. Now come on I have a surprise for you"

" N-No your just gonna hurt me"

" How?" He says. I stop for a second. Wait did he actually hurt me? Wait... Maybe I was the one who hurt him. I think that I passed out, cause when I woke up Gavin was above me saying things like " Coco it's ok your gonna be ok" and " Please wake up" with a shaky voice. My vision is a little blurry. H-He's bleeding.. Why is he bleeding?

" Gavin what are you doing here?" I say trying to focus on him and stop things from spinning

" Y-You didn't show up to school and I got worried, So I went looking for you and saw this creep trying to undress you. Luckily, he only took your jacket off. You looked like you had passed out or something. He punched me before he ran off. I was more worried about you then where he went."

" B-B-But Gavin"

" Y-Yeah?"

" How did you double yourself?" I say trying to figure which Gavin to look at

Gavin looked at me confused. A few seconds later Gavin swooped me up into his arms and ran to the hospital. Once we got there he started saying something, but for some reason I can't hear it. Before I knew it everything got dark. When I wake up, I'm in Gavin's room embraced in his touch. He smelled like oranges. I look up at Gavin. He was looking at the ceiling.

" What happened with you and your uncle" He says still looking at the ceiling

" I-I.... I'm not exactly sure. It all started when I was 8. Me and Piper were playing with our Barbie dolls, being normal 4th graders. Then my uncle had called me into his room... H-He told me he need to talk with me. He was telling me how he didn't feel loved, or worth it. I told him I would do anything to make him happy again. Before I knew it, he started kissing all over me and removing my clothes. I-I told him to stop... But he said that if I really loved him I would stay still... So I did. I-I um... He-"

" Raped you?" Gavin said looking down at me. I just nodded my head and just broke down crying.

" It's all my fault I-"

" No Coco. Don't even dare blaming yourself. He knew how old you were, he knew you were too young to understand what was about to happen, He took advantage of you. You did nothing wrong Coco, so please don't blame yourself."

" B-But I could have stopped him. I'm a disgusting, bruised, 13 year old who lost her virginity to her own uncle, cause she couldn't stand up for her self and still can't" I say still crying into Gavin's chest

" Coco look at me... Your not disgusting... a-and I don't care how bruised you are that won't stop me from getting a butterflies every time I see your beautiful smile. Oh and you didn't give consent so technically your still a virgin, oh and believe me when I say I'm going to make sure you never have to go through this ever again. I'm gonna work as hard as I can to protect you from your uncle. If you want I'll stay with you every minute of the day." Gavin says looking into my eyes

" Oh and plus, I love you so hanging out with you every single day wouldn't be a bad thing"

" Wait... y-you love me?" I say. Gavin looks at me then his eyes start to water

" I've loved you since the first time I saw your chocolate colored eyes"

I can't contain myself and kiss him while I'm crying. I kiss him so hard, I thought I would pass out.

" I love you too Gavin" I say against his lips.

We end up kissing ourselves to sleep.

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