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Trigger Warning: Rape

I finally stop crying when I got a call. It was from my dad.

"Hello?" I say

" Hey Coco... I've got some bad news"

" What is it? Did you get fired?" I say super worried

" No honey... Um.. So you know your uncle Jake? The one who uh... did something very bad to you?" My dad says quiet

" Y-Yeah why?"

" He's back in town. Your aunt told me he's planning on finding you and doing the same thing."

My heart dropped. Why was he back? Didn't he get what he wanted? He told me love was all that mattered. Then he said he was lacking on love. So I told him I would do anything to try to cheer him up. Keep in mind, I was only 8. He said he would do everything I just need to be involved. So I listened. It came to the point that he was holding me down doing stuff. I still can't process that I was raped. I-I can still barely say the word.

" Get off Uncle Jake please"

" YOU SAID THAT YOU LOVED ME. STAY STILL AND THAT WILL PROVE YOUR LOVE FROM ME" He yelled pulling something out of his pocket. It looks like a deflated balloon. Cool he's gonna make me a balloon animal. Then he put the ballon on his pee-pee.

" B-But I don't want to stay here. I want to go back to Piper. She's waiting for me so we can play Barbies."

" Do you love me"

" Yes B-"

" Then do this one thing for me Ok"

" O-Ok Uncle Jakie"

" Dad I'm scared."

" Its gonna be ok Coco. I got to go. Love you" He says before hanging up

I get up and start walking. I was trying not to have a panic attack or anxiety attack. I start crying silently while watching my hands shake. Then I heard someone talking to me.

" Hey Ugly. Why are you still here. Waiting for your mommy?" Gavin says chucking

I turn around to reveal my tear stained face. His reaction was kinda heart breaking. Before he can say anything I hug him and just start crying even harder. Surprisingly he held me and tried to calm me down. His touch was so warm. He was even saying some nice words. Before I knew it I was asleep in his grip. When I woke up I was in the car with my Mom and Piper. When she looked back I gave her a sorry look. She pulled over the car, got out, and hugged me so tight.

" It's gonna be ok Coco. I'll make sure he will never come near you again" My mom said now crying

Before I knew it Piper joined in. I wish I could feel this safe forever

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