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" Well our first day of school was horrific" Piper said dropping her bookbag on the ground

" Yeah totally. I need some cheese!" I say walking into the kitchen. I grab a block of cheddar cheese and start eating it. And YES I am lactose-intolerant but I'm willing to face the consequences later. I sit down with my block of cheese and go on TikTok. For some reason I made a Tiktok about cheese.

" Hey Guys! I just got home from school and can't wait to go live in an hour. OH and look at my cheese! It's so orange and yummy. And don't you DARE say it's as orange as Donald Trump. Anyways love yall PEACE!!!"

I posted the tiktok. I'm pretty proud of myself. I have 900K followers after doing TikTok for 4 months. I finish my block of cheese and start checking the comments. They all were pretty nice. I remember it's been about 30 mins so I touch up my makeup and get on my live.

"Hi guys!!! How are yall doing today?" I say

ABBY2188: great my dad got me a dog

corrinejoy✔: Me and my boyfriend broke up :(

waycoolerthanyall: Way better now that I see your face😏

AMYISFIRE: Good. How about you?

coffeecupelf: I'm thinking about how life is really just an illusion

" Aw Corrine I'm sorry for that."

I start talking about how my day was but leaving me having an anxiety attack and stuff. I then see someone named Gavin in the chat. It's probably a different Gavin

gavinmagnus✔: I hope your day gets better. Sending virtual hugs💕💕

corrinejoy✔: Omg gurl🥺

AMYISFIRE: that boys stuipd😒

HarryStylesIsMyLife: What's his name? I just wanna talk🤭

" Aw Gavin thank you. I really wish I could answer all yalls questions, but I have to go get ready for a show I'm watching. I love yall all!!! Bye" I say waving before ending the live. I was about to get off my phone, when I got a DM. I opened it to see it's from Gavin Magnus. Oh it must be the guy from my live.

DM from: Gavin Magnus

Hi. Just wanted to say your TikTok live was really good. I'm sorry that my brother did that to you.

Huh? Um wdym?

This is Jakob Magnus. I took my brother Gavin's phone while he was showering.

Wait does he have blonde hair, and greenish blueish eyes?

Yeah. Anyways just wanted to say sorry for his behavior. Our dad died a year ago and our mom had abandoned us 4 years ago. He just has a lot on his plate, but he still shouldn't have hurt you in anyway possible. I'm really sorry for what he did.

Oh wow.. Um I'm sorry for your loss. I just have a question... How did you know I was talking about Gavin?

Well the school called and said Piper Rockelle told them he was bullying you. So I wanted to apologize for his actions. So I just typed up " Coco Quinn" on Insta.

Oh um ok. I'll keep this in mind. I forgave your brother as soon as he helped me when I had an anxiety attack.. Well that's what I think happened atleast.

Wait Really?

Yeah he was so kind about it.

That's awesome. I gtg my brother is coming in the room right now

Oh ok bye


Well that was surprising. I got up from my bed and went to go shower. What am I going to do tomorrow? He's probably was just being nice cause I was clearly upset. I totally have to thank him for what he did,But also tell him he could have been nicer to me when we bumped into each other.Ughhh this is gonna be hard. I dry myself off and put on my clothes. I decided that I was gonna just skip dinner and go to bed.

" Well I'm grounded for 1 day."Piper said getting into her bed

" I'm sorry that you got in trouble. You didn't deserve that. I love you so much Piper"

" I love you too Coco"

" Night sis"

" Night" I say drifting off into sleep

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