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I wake up in the nurses office. I look around to see Piper on her phone smiling.

" Who ya texting" I say

She jumped from her seat.

" oH hiya" She says tryna act like nothing just happened

" Is he cute?"

" YES- I mean, yeah.. I guess. It's the boy from earlier, Lev." She said way to happy

" That's great. Anyways why am I in the nurses office?"

" Well once you fell asleep I wanted to make sure you were ok. SO I brought you to the nurses office. What happened anyways?" She says looking worried

" Well remember that boy from earlier?"

" Lev?" She says way too excited

" No. That kid who was being mean to me."

" Ya why"

" Well turns out I have to sit next to him for the whole school year. Well his names Gavin. When class ended he pushed me into the janitors closet and stared yelling at me. And since I'm sensitive I got really upset and started crying" I say looking down and playing with my fingers

" OH NO HONEY WE DON'T TOLERATE THAT TYPE OF BEHAVIOR" Piper said getting up and running out the room. I got up and followed her. She turned the corned and ran up to a locker. When I looked up I saw Piper running up to Gavin.

" HEY YOU" She said running to him

" Ugh what do you wa-" He was stopped when Piper punched him.

" NEVER MESS WITH MY SISTER AGAIN OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU WISH YOU WERE HOMESCHOOLED" Piper said to him. For some reason he had a slight smile on his face.

When Piper turned around she saw the principal with a disappointed look on his face.

" My office now Miss Rockelle" He says

" A least I tried and succeeded" Piper said satisfied walking away

I was about to leave, but then I saw Gavin starting to get up and re-gather up his books. Before I knew it I was walking towards him. Coco you are really a dummy

" Hey... You ok?"

" Omfg it's the ugly barbie doll" He says rolling his eyes. I could feel the tears in my eyes

" um... I just wanted to say I never sent her over here to hurt you. She did that on her own. I hope your eye feels better tho" I say starting to walk away before I stared crying. Then I feel an arm tug me back. It was Gavin. He had a hopeful smile on his face. Then he pushed me down and laughed

" Why are you so mean to me?" I say as tears run down my cheeks

" Cause your worthless, and plus it's fun seeing you suffer" He says doing his evil smile

" Now get out of here, before I make you wish you were never born" He says

I quickly get up and run out of the school. I try to calm down but I can't. Since I can't calm down I just sat against the brick wall and cried into my knees. I do this for about half an hour. I then see my mom pull up to the school.

" Hey C- Omg honey whats wrong?"

" N-Nothing I'm just t-tired ok?" I say quietly

" Ok. Have you seen your sister anywhere?" She says

" Y-Yeah she's in the principals' office" I say trying not to cry infront of my mom

" Ok. Just wait out here ok? Imma go get your sister then we're leaving"

" O-ok mom" I say

As soon as she gets in the school I start crying again. Why is he so mean to me? I just wanted to apologize for bumping into him, but he just was sooo mean to me. B-But his eyes are so gorgeous and his hair looks so soft. What are you saying? I mean he is super hot but he is bullying you for no reason. There is no way you are gonna crush on him

I mean it's normal to fall for someone who is mean to you.... Right?

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