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Raine's POV~

My story begins on 29 February. Yes, you read that right. I was born in the leap year, on that extraordinary day. My grandma always says that children born on the leap year's special day will be... well, special. And I am. I'm color blind. She said that a witch took away my ability to see the normal colours, and she hated that I would never see the sky's true colour. She says that blue is a pretty colour and that its gentle and beautiful. In my perspective, this blue she talks about is mystery after mystery.

Secrets wraped in pretty deceptive lies. Maybe that's why people say I'm extraordinary. At least I'm not extra ordinary. That's what makes me...well, me. That's nice.

My first part...T to the E to the RRIBLE. SAWEE :). Tell me if I have any errors. Thanks, and give me suggestions and I'll see if I like it to put it in my book.

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