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As the birds sing a peaceful song, trees dance with the wind, the sun shone brightly waking up a h/c haired girl. She groaned as she slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She soon saw that the place was unfamiliar to her.

"I see you're awake" a calming but unknown voice said. The girl turned to her right and saw a man with a purple scar masking his face yet he wears a soft smile.

"Um.. excuse me.. if I may ask, who are you and where am I?" She asked, confused.

"I'm Kagaya Ubuyashiki, you are in my estate. Do you know who you are?" He explained as he watched the girl sit up.

"I'm.... I-... I don't know... I can't remember" she replied, rubbing her aching head.

"Your name is Y/N, that's the only thing I know. Do you remember anything else? Your past? Family?" He asked.

"I can't seem to remember either, the only thing I can recall is I was about to get eaten by a demon, then there's this guy who saved me-" you were cut off when the door slid open revealing a man with two-colored eyes and a cute white snake on his neck.

"Excuse me Oyakata-sama" he said bowing down. "Why did you call me? Oh, she's up" He said, noticing the girl he saved wide awake.

Oyakata-sama or Kagaya, with a smile, offered him a seat. Which the odd-eyed man complied.

"Y/N, I know this is sudden but... Do you wanna become a demon slayer? You know, the ones who slay demons which have hurt you?" Kagaya proposed to the girl who at first, didn't want to join.

But a little voice in her head told her to agree to the offer so she can protect others so that they can live happily and not experience what she did. She also wanted to repay this guy who saved her by saving others too.

"I'll take the offer" she responded. Then Kagaya beamed at her, pleased with her decision. "Very well then."

"Obanai, Can you take care of Y/N for me? I want you to train her" Kagaya asked the said male.

He was having second thoughts about taking care of an 11 year old kid but then he didn't want to refuse an offer from his master. "As you wish Oyakata-sama" he said while bowing slightly then looking at the girl who stared at him with her e/c eyes.


"Woah! You live here!?" Y/N, you, shrieked eagerly with sparkles in your eyes as you took in the scene placed before you.

"Yes, isn't it obvious? And also lower down your energy brat" Obanai snapped. When he saw how energetic and loud she was, he knew she'd be a pain in the ass.

"Um... I never got to say thanks so... Thank you for saving me and for you to take care of me" she bowed a perfect 90°.

"Yeah yeah, it's my job and Oyakata-sama ordered, whatever" he said and went inside with Y/N tailing behind.

"Here's your room brat. Now I want you get some rest cause it'll be hell for you tomorrow" he said, opening the door to her room, allowing her to walk in and scan the room.

"And take a shower" he said when he spotted her bandages getting dirty and unwrapped.

He was about to leave but then he felt a slight tug on his haori making him turn his head only to see her. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name." She asked in her cute puppy eyes.

"It's Iguro Obanai." he stated pulling her hand off of his haori and slamming the door.

She just stared at the door for one second then smiled, although in her mind she was cursing him.

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐀 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐑 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 ── m. tokito ࿐Where stories live. Discover now