
443 19 4

Third person pov, long chapter

"Where do you want to go first? We can go anywhere!" Dabi looked down at his now very happy boss, he was pacing around thinking "Let's get a certain something from my room first, I can fit through that window but you can't, stay on watch?"

Tomura at the time was more slender than Dabi so it was easier for him to just slide through the gap and grab it.

"Yeah, We're in the abandoned part of town so we can go get high on a rooftop"

"That's for later, I want to have fun! I want to drink until I can't see straight, I want to drag you around town" for once Tomura didn't have a worry in the world.

His duties as the boss and leader didn't matter, he was on top of the world tonight. But Dabi knew if they had the 'Talk' Tomura most likely would be down and ignore him for at least a week.

He didn't mean to grow so attached, Tomura grew attached to. He didn't mean to be possessive and manipulative.

"Alright but there's gonna be creeps out, it's night"

"Dabi what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't curb stomp them? Someone touches you they'll taste the concrete, plus no one's going to touch me I have big scary boyfriend privileges"

Dabi laughed, Tomura was definitely still a bit high. He was more energetic, happy, not angry and was willing to go out into public.
"What's big scary boyfriend privilege?"
Dabi knew the answer but he was able to get anything out of Tomura.

"You're tall, muscular, you have burn scars and piercings. You're scary to most people" Tomura said, Dabi smiled to himself. He really could get Tomura to say it, around him he wasn't stubborn.

"Let's go get your random ass weed, where did you get it?" Dabi laughed assuming he bought it off some guy on the street.
But he didn't expect Tomura to say "Someone I hate greatly, pressure him enough and gross him out he'll give it to you just so you'll leave"

It took Dabi a bit "Overhaul?!" He yelled, turning around and grasping Tomura by his throat but not choking him. He forced eye contact "Well yeah, I did one thing for him and he gave me some so I pestered for more" Tomura mumbled.

Slowly moving his hands up to dabi's wrist, grabbing onto it. "And what did you do?" Tomura was to in love to know that Dabi wasn't showing worry or love.

He was upset "nothing weird! I don't even remember it was like a year ago I was to creepy to keep around we were supposed to make some sorta deal where I provided the shit for it and we never completed it"

Tomura started to have trouble breathing, so he held his pinky closer to dabi's arm just in case.

He didn't want to but he started to fear for his own life. "Don't fucking talk to that walking shit stain! You talk to me and me only"

He felt a cold chill go down his spine, he lifted one of his legs off the ground and kicked Dabi off of him.

Even he knew this wasn't love, well he thought so.

When he went to try and run to put space between them Dabi grabbed his ankle making him trip. Dabi grabbed him off the ground and 'hugged' him.

"Why are you running away from me!"

"Because you're scaring me! This isn't the Dabi I fell in love with! You were choking me!"

"I know what I was doing! I can't control it! It's impulsive I don't realize until you're hurt, I just don't want you talking to him, he's going to take you away from me!" Dabi didn't care that the blood from his tear ducts was staining Tomura's shirt. It was already covered in dirt.

He kept mumbling into his shoulder.

Just muffled apologies.
Still after that Tomura comforted him.
Running his hand through Dabi's hair.

"I can't forgive you this time, I couldn't breath, I couldn't bring myself to say anything besides the truth because it's difficult to lie. I just wanted to have fun tonight"

Dabi wanted to say something but nothing would come out, he could only stare forward.

"I love you and I know you love me back and I like you being clingy and possessive In certain ways but I don't want whatever the hell that was"

Dabi didn't feel as if he deserved Tomura, he thought by now Tomura would've left "You're not leaving me?" He muttered, his head against the crook of Tomura's neck.

"Im not leaving you, you big baby just work on it okay?"

"Okay" for the small amount of time he looked up he was met with a smile and a reassuring look. He felt happy inside.

"Your hair and breath are tickling my neck" Tomura laughed trying to wiggle out of Dabi's grasp "awe but I'm not done holding you, just let me stay like this" he whined but in a whisper and very slow.

Tomura shivered slightly and stopped fighting it. "Don't do that!"

"What? Im just whispering into your ear"

"Yeah, don't do that"

"But I felt that shiver"

"Im cutting your dick off"

"No I need that!"

Tomura laughed "for what?" Dabi rolled his eye's "you know why" he tried to sound mad but instead he laughed, he couldn't control it "aw I hoped you would say it"

Dabi looked away as Tomura gave him puppy eye's, "You're so mean to me" he said sarcastically "Yeah but you love me!"

"Yeah, yeah I do" He turned his head and kissed the top of Dabi's head "we should go before we waste anymore time" Tomura said finally being let go "Okay I don't recommend wearing a corset on a date" he added, stretching out his legs.

"That's why you weren't slouching!"

"Yeah, I thought I would make myself at least a little pretty" Dabi rolled his eye's again "you are pretty"

"Not to myself, I don't think Im pretty plus a certain someone had some shit to say"

"He came back again?"

"Yeah, He's here now and I know how to make him go away"

"We're in the woods Tomura,"

"Yeah but that should gross him out"

Dabi laughed at the thought of them making out in the woods and AFO getting grossed out and panicking while yelling 'Abort mission!' Over and over again.

He also wasn't opposed to the idea, it seemed exciting "That worked! I think he imagined it" Tomura said laughing, he felt the sharp pain in his head. That means AFO left.

Tomura didn't mean to actually make Dabi excited "Awe, What if I actually wanted to do that?"

"Later, I want a drink that wine did nothing"

"Limit yourself Tomura"

Shigaraki x Dabi {} Trigger Warning {} very gay Where stories live. Discover now