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Dabi's Pov.

"You have no idea how much this means to me, We haven't really had time for just us you know?" Tomura said taking the lead because I can't dance for shit.

I just follow his movements. He's good at this and It's something no one would expect from him. "Yeah, It's been awhile huh boss?" He nodded taking in a deep breath "Why don't we run off for the night?"

He held my hand tighter, staring off into nowhere. "Just get away from everything, everyone, we can go back in the morning but if you want after this we ca-"

"I'd like that, taking the night for ourselves" I cut him off, I should've answered the first time but I thought letting him talk would be better.

He's so close, taking small and slow steps "run away with me?" He asked looking up at me. I smiled making the staples pull at my skin and scars "gladly" He's someone who can take me down to hell and back a thousand times.

I'll follow him to the ends of the universe.

"Should we tell anyone?"

"Where's the fun in that? Tomura were running away for tonight like irresponsible teenagers in love, let's have fun, stay up all night, drink, walk along railroads, sneak into places and come back in the morning"

"It's barely 8PM, we have all the time in the world!" He's been smiling a lot more, It's starting to rub off on me. Now I'm smiling.

The music started to fade, everything was crumbling away, everything was silent for me.

Just me and him.



About to run away from it all but, guilt is eating away at me. We'll talk about it later because right now nothing can harm us. Nothing else, no one else. Just us.

"I might be a bit high so this might sound weird, but, after all of this, after I become king run away with me, forever. Not just one night but start a new!"

"How are you high?"

"I smoked a little of the devil lettuce, I was in pain and figured just a little wouldn't hurt"

"Oh my god Tomura, you could've shared with your right hand man"

"I was planning on it, We can sneak inside through my window snatch it and leave then get high off our asses on a bridge somewhere"

That sounds great honestly "sure, We can do whatever we want tonight, anything to get your mind off the world, just for a second"

Now there is no space, not between us anyway. We're just swaying now as he hums the last bit of 'Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy'

I can't ever let go of this.

Not now.

Not ever.

"This is for you to, remember that"

"I will, now let's stay like this, just for a little longer"

Shigaraki x Dabi {} Trigger Warning {} very gay Where stories live. Discover now