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I got tagged by ImafrickingDorko during class-

I got tagged by ImafrickingDorko during class-

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1. Crush? n e v e r h a d o n e -

2. Middle name? Nope!

3. Shoe size? 7  1/2 in woman size(?)

4. Eye color? Brown

5. Last time you cried? Two days ago

6. Biggest fear? Read the chapter before this one

7. Last song you listened to?

8. Last person you texted? My brother

9. Relationship Status? Ha-?

10. Fav sports team? I don't watch sports

11. Fav color? Red-Orange >:3

12. Best friend? Online friendos

13. Fav celebrity? Does Jaiden count-?

14. Any scars. One time I fell off a couch when I was 1 and my parents had to take me to urgent care-

15. Kissed anyone? Anyone instead of my family, n o

16. Someone you hate? My classmates

17. Ever done drugs? m a t e I ' m t w e l v e w h y w o u l d I d o t h a t -

18. Height? 5'4

19. Are you currently happy? Not that much

20. Do you drink? I drink water

21. Last thing you brought? Popcorn

22. Last thing you ate? Water

23. Day or night? Night

24. Fav lyric? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

25. Do you give second chances? It depends on the person

26. Pet peeve? Obnoxious and annoying people (like my classmates-)

27. Random fact? People think I'm 17 due to my height-

28. Current mood? Bittersweet, I suppose

29. Last book I read? f a n f i c s

30. Jealous type? Nope

31. Birthday? July 25th

32. Obsession? Reese's Puffs

33. Worst mistake? It's kind of private...

34. Someone I trust? To be honest, I kind of have trouble trusting people.

35. Do you believe in love? I don't think I'll find a soulmate, but I'm fine with that

36. Are you okay? I'm not so sure anymore

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