a singer

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I walked into back stage with Kai and Sam both were still annoyed at eachother over yesterday but they decided to drop it for the band but still they should of just worked through it for them not for me.

I could hear all the other bands playing in the background, they were all better sounding then us but I didn't think that was the point Kai was panicking very openly. I could also hear her breathing it was strained but somehow focused, I thought I should look at who was there and there in the left corner she was Ramona.

She noticed me smiled and waved I was so nervous just seeing her smile. I couldn't focus on anything anymore I was slowly forgetting the lyrics to every song I had practiced for the band and everything that mattered and I felt uneasy, I stood up and grabbed Kai and screamed at her:


I grabbed my guitar and started playing the base line I was trying to remember the lyrics and play my guitar properly. My hands were sweating to and I felt dazed everything in the room started spinning then I remembered the record deal.

All the money I could ever need neatly rapped up in one simple thing, so I played the base line and started humming if I could do this then Kai and Sam could as well they slowly started to join me and there I had it. I finished the song and I was just about ready to go up to see Ramona  in all of my glory and I was stopped all of a sudden from behind me I was punched.

This man punched me straight in my face. It was a brusing feeling stingy yet somewhat comforting. He looked at me up and down and scoffed he started to say:

"Oh so you wanna be Ramona's new girlfriend?"

I was caught completely of guard I started to sweat again not because of the question he asked me the answer was obviously yes, I just didn't want to fight him. I said back

"Huh? What? No she's just my friend."

He didn't seem to believe me and Ramona started to look like she was crushed, I felt so bad for me and her... She got up from her seat and left the building.

I couldn't bear the fact I had acted like that, I should of just said yes and admitted my feelings maybe then I wouldn't of made such a mess of things.

Ramona Flowers X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now