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It's a start for this book!
Lets go!

Happy reading

Happy reading

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'Watch it!'

The two girls running through the streets look up when they hear the voice. Immediately the man ,who called them out, starts to apologize.

"I'm so sorry your highnesses." He says lowering his head and looking to the ground.

'You should be!' snaps the older girl.

Her older sister who stands behind her gives her a nudge.

'don't be cruel, Jadis. You know what mom always said.'

All the fun and games disappear from Jadis' eyes. Slowly she turns to her older sister. Giving her a poisonous look, she turned ones again back on her heels, started towards the cart of the man and with a flick of her wrist she has all his goods spilling over the cobblestones.

'That will teach you to be in our way.' She said. Looking self-righteous she started to walk away not looking back to see if her sister was following.

The girl waited till Jadis was out of sight and then gave the man a gentle smile.

The man however hadn't looked up jet but had gotten on his knees. Trying to gather all is goods. Trying to safe wat could be saved.

Seeing this she walked towards the man and began to help him. Startled the man looked up. 'Your highness! You should-shouldn't..'

The man stammered, seemingly not able to form words. All the girl did was smile up to him and continue with gathering all his stuff spilled on the floor.

Standing up with her arms filled she carefully places everything back in the cart.

"thank you, my princess" the man thanks her with a tilt of his head.

Again the girl smiles sweetly "I'm Mayazatyl"

"thank you princess Mayazatyl." The girl's smile grows, she gives a curtsy, turns on her heels and skips the same way her sister had gone.


Soon enough she reached the palace, greeting the warriors standing outside, she slipped through the barely opened doors in too the second entry. Behind her the doors slam shut and immediately al the sounds where cut off. She could no longer hear the feet of the people in the streets or the creaking of wheels or even the sounds of the slaves.

She took a moment to adjust her clothes, but as soon as she had done that she was of.
Her plan was to get to the gardens, where she had been reading before Jadis convinced her to sneak away with her. In the spur of the moment she had also left her book there. The book meant a lot to her; it had been a gift from her mother. In it was a description of al the past kings and queens of Charn, of the great land of Charn, the biggest city, the city that amazed the whole world and maybe even other worlds.
But before she could even reach the other end of the entry way she felt a hand grab her collar from behind. There was no need for her to turn to know who it was.

"Hello, Sanae. Funny to see you here."

Finally turning around, Mayazatyl looks up to an older Lady with a criticizing look in her eye. "Princes you know you're not supposed to be out without permission from your father!"

"I do know that, but I also know that he never lets me go. And Jadis was with me! So I wasn't alone."

The look in Sanae's eyes softens "I know princess. But even if you're father doesn't let you go out, you mustn't disobey him. Especially when Jadis tries to convince you! You know how you're sister is."

Mayazatyl nods. She knows all to well how her sister can be and the things she does.

"Now hurry to your room. I put your book on the table and I will send for some maids to make you ready for dinner."

Dinner was never a easy affair. Jadis wasn'tnice to their father, or to Maya for that mather. But even so she loved hersister in every way possible.

 But even so she loved hersister in every way possible

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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