07|𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘟 𝘚𝘩𝘪𝘱

Start from the beginning

You nodded and the animal hunter turned around and you leaped onto his back as you held on to his sturdy shoulders.

He continued his running as the police chased, a strong breeze blew you in the face from Kites speed.

But soon he made it to a nearby fishing dock where a large boat sat still in the water. It was the perfect place to hide and Kite immediately ran on board... only to be met with a group of pirates.

"Who goes there?"A man shouted.

Still holding on tight to Kite's shoulder you looked up to see one of the most beautiful men you've ever laid eyes upon.

He had long silky blonde locks, eyes of emerald green, and soft pink lips that contrasted against his Rosie cheeks.

You figured he was the captain of the ship from his expensive white coat and matching large hat that had a large feather attached to it.

"We're travelers, looking for shelter on your ship." Kite answered.

The man crossed his arms as he looked the both of you up and down. "You don't say, well call me captain Harper!"

His voice was majestic and boomed with a loud commanding tone. It was enough to make any man or women fall weak to their knees.

"The men and woman surrounding you right now are my crew, they are what keep the humming bird express going."

"Well the names Tim and this is my partner Kahla, we're on the run right now and we could use a place to hide for a while." Kite said.

"Mmm I see, well what's in it for me?" Captain Harper questioned. "I just don't let anyone aboard my ship."

"How about we strike a deal?"

"Alright, I will allow you to stay on my ship if you help me with a certain problem."

Kite groaned as he silently whispered damn under his breath as he clutched the lid of his cap. "Alright, deal."

"Excellent... now follow me I can hear the police footsteps approaching closer in the distance."

Captain Harper turned around, his fancy tail coat draping against the wooden deck as he walked to the lower part of the ship.

Kite followed with you still on his back

It was dimly lit on the lower deck but elegantly decorated with treasured rugs, frames, and vases. Several rooms you passed with beds in them, giving you hope of a good nights rest.

But Captain Harper paused at one room and opened the door where a single bed with a closet and dresser was placed.

"Hide in the closet for the time being, I will go deal with the police." And with that Captain Harper twirled his tailcoat as he walked away.

Kite sat you down and opened the closet door.

"Step inside." He said.

You nodded and carefully entered the dusty wooden closet as you pressed your back against the side. You didn't realize how closed spaced and tight it was until Kite stepped inside and had to squat from how tall he was.

"You look uncomfortable, I can change my position if you want to make it more spacious." You suggested.

"It's fine, just stay quiet so I can listen in." Kite replied.

"Wait can you actually hear what he's saying to the police... from all the way up there?"

"Yes, I've trained my hearing to do so... now stay quiet."

You nodded and took a deep breath in and out as you denied all actions that could create sound.

Kite tucked his hair behind his ears as he listened in closely, it was awkward as his face was close to yours and you could feel his warm breath hit against you.

"Sorry." Kite said as he tried to back away a little.

"Oh no it's fine, smells minty."

The animal hunter cleared this throat awkwardly in reply.

"OH GOD SMELLS MINTY? WHO SAYS THAT?" You screamed inside your head. You huffed in embarrassment as you watched the animal hunter listen in, he looked focused as his facial expression was stoic.

"What are they saying." You questioned.

"The police want to search the ship but they don't have a warrant."


"Yes but Captain Harper seems to be handling it well.... I don't trust him."

"Why not?"

"I just don't, watch yourself around him."

"Got it."

"I hear footsteps approaching... it's captain Harpers stay quiet."

You heard the door swing open and then a voice boom, "They're gone!"

Kite immediately opened the closet door and stepped out. "The police I assume... they're gone?" He questioned.

"Indefinitely." Harper replied.

"Okay Kahla, you can come out now." Kite said.

You slowly walked out of the closet, one foot first before the second before you stood amongst the men.

"Hi you said, thank you for letting us stay on your ship."

"It would be my pleasure." Captain Harper said.

He took your hand in his and leaned close to your face so that your eyes could meet his sparkling emerald orbs. "You my lady look famished, care for a meal?"

You nodded slowly and the captain wrapped his arm around your waist and led you to the dining hall.

Kite followed behind, a feeling of jealously slowly creeping into his mind.

𝘾𝙧𝙖𝙯𝙮 𝙎𝙡𝙤𝙩𝙨 𝙊𝙛 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚Where stories live. Discover now