Chapter Eighteen: Driving The Olive Branch

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" I thought.. I thought you were teaching me to drive?" She stammers her voice small and uncertain. He smiles and shakes his head.

"Oh I am," he states, slightly loving the confused look on her face, "Just not in this car." She frowns and crosses her arms, slight anger coloring her already blushing face.

"Do tell, what car?" She asks making a dramatic look around to show that his beat up old Honda Civic was the only car in the drive. He smirks and unlocks the car waiting for her to move out of the way so he could sink into the driver seat. She reluctantly steps aside and as he starts the car he waits for her to get it.

"If you don't get in I cant show you what car.".

Katie just stares at him, her anger simmering just below the surface, if this was his way of a peace treaty then he was doing a lousy job. But as she looked into his dark eyes she saw barely contained excitement just waiting to burst free and knew he had something amazing planned, she just didn't know what it was... yet. Sighing in defeat she finally goes around the car and slumps into the passenger side. Once she was buckled up he puts the car in reverse and eases the car out of the drive and into the street. Once in the street he gives her a wicked smile before stomping on the gas, making the car shoot down the street.

"Holy shit Han slow down!" She hisses grabbing the "Oh Shit" handle making him laugh. "And I thought Mia was a crazy driver" She says wincing as they weaved in and out of traffic.

"I love to drive fast, its in my Blood." He says shrugging, jerking the wheel sharply to the left to avoid hitting a van. She shoots him a dirty look before trying to settle into her seat. Han just laughs at her expression and continues driving. About twenty minutes later they pull into a parking garage close to where he worked. Katie looks at him with questions dancing in her eyes. "Just wait, you'll see." he says calmly, trying hard to keep the excitement out of his voice. He drives up to the top level and parks next to a car that was covered to protect it against the weather. Turning off the car Han gets out, not even waiting to see if Katie would follow, knowing she would. He snickers when he hears her door open and close, her feet slapping and echoing against the cement ground. When he reaches the car he turns around, only to back up a few steps when he realizes just how close she was to him. With her arms crossed she stares up at him, waiting for him to explain to her what the hell they were doing. Smirking at her he fishes the second set of car keys out of his pocket and tosses them to her.

Katie catches the keys in one hand as Han goes around the covered car. He looks at her with that shit eating grin on his face, making her aggravation rise.

"Go head and click the unlock button." He says his excitement no longer able to be contained. She sighs and shakes her head, her hair sweeping across her chest, she couldn't believe she was entertaining his little game but she found herself flicking her fingers over the unlock button. The beeping of a car unlocking and the flash of head lights startle her when she realizes they were coming from the covered car. "Are you ready for your surprise?" He asks. She looks at him and nods angrily. He flashes her a smile and grabs the sheet. With a forceful yank he rips it off the car and lets it flutter tot he ground.

The sound of her gasping in Awe was all the reward he needed to know he had made a smart move. He looks down at the car and back at her, unable to help the swell of Pride when he sees her almost lustful look as she stares at the car. He puts his hands on the hood of the car and leans into it, watching her take in every little detail. Her eyes roam over the orangy-yellow and black paint job, the sleek body. When she looks up at him he sees the stars shining in her eyes.

"Han this car.. Its Beautiful!" She exclaims. She lifts her hand like she was about to touch it but thinks twice and quickly drops it back to her side, almost like she was afraid to ruin it. He chuckles softly.

Forbidden love ( fast and furious fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora