Help Chapt. 2

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*still in Dinah's POV*

I was woken up by a slap in the head repeatedly i looked up and it was Malcom "Get up lazy ass early training today" I get up and was about to grab my bags but he stopped me "New clothes Dinah , if you dont fit in these new clothes no eating for a week" i mumbled a "Yes sir" and we walked out of the airport into a black SUV , im guessing the girls are now just waking up but they wont care where i am.

Lauren's POV

I was awoken by the planes door being slammed shut , i look around and see that everyone is here besides Dinah. I shake ally until she wakes up "Yes Laur?" "Dinah's not here" Ally just shakes her head "Lo you know she always leaves before us , shell be back" with that she gets up wakes the others and we all get in the car to the hotel.

Back to Dinah's POV

Malcom and I arrive at a dance studio near the hotel we are staying at and head inside. I do my usual of working out and practicing for our new song Worth It. Im currently trying to do one of the moves that includes ALOT of hip rolling but i just cant do it , Malcom turns off the music and yells at me "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? DO YOU NEED PUNISHMENT?" i just nod my head with a no "well lets try again shall we?" He starts the music back up and im doing perfectly fine until the hip part. Malcom comes up behind me and holds my hips in the position , its an awkward position but im starting to get it. His left hand starts to come forward where my pantie line is "what are you doing?" I ask and he responds with a shh. Im starting to sweat but his hand keeps going until its cupping my whole area. i jump out of his grasp and tell him i have to go to the bathroom. I run to the bathroom and start to panic not knowing what to do , my phone viberates and its a message from Malcom "Practice is over you can head to the hotel now" . I run in the studio and grab my things and head to my hotel room where i lay in my bed and bawl, this has never happened before not even me crying like this. I would usually cover up my sobs but now i cant control them , suprisingly the girls burst in the room. I feel them staring at me from behind , i wipe my tears and turn around seeing 4 worried faces. I let another tear drop and burst into sobs again but now im being comforted by the girls. I would usually push them away but I honestly need someone right now and if i would want someone to be with me right now it would be them. I should tell them whats been going on, I Need Help.


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