The body of Feng Tinggaowei'an was overwhelmingly enveloped the young man sitting at the table.

It is true that Wen Qiuxing, who is one-eight meters tall, is not short, but he is slender and lacks aura. He sits in front of the court, which is two meters tall, and he does not look good enough.

"Don't be willful." Feng Ting persuaded.

"..." Nima, this is caprice?

"Today may be a good day." Feng Ting coaxed as much as he could.

"..." Good sister!

"I am sincerely considering for you." Feng Ting said sincerely.

The blue eyes were heavy, like the calm of the storm.

These Wen Qiuxing couldn't see it. He just agreed that there was not enough time, so he was very annoying!

But he really can't eat it!

Will, an old beast of the sixth race, is very sensitive. His sensitivity drops, and the sensitivity decreases for a long time, and the people below will suffer for a long time.


"Smell, be a little sensible." Feng Ting said as he reached out and hugged the unhappy faced young man.

"*%#**%#*" Wen Qiuxing scolded and smashed the ‘Granite’ at his hand uncomfortably and wanted to cry.

But it does not prevent him from using the remedies that are easy to find online-all kinds of exotic and difficult operations!

The court: "..."

Honestly make a machine that refers to where to play.

In the quiet middle of the night, there were still wet marks on the side of the pillow youth, but it was already asleep.

Feng Ting looked at Yun Yin's heart and helped the other party pull out the pillow to lie down.

"Will..." Wen Qiuxing whispered, in his dream he dreamed that he was hammering on the hammer with a big hammer.

Feng Ting looked complicated, opened his mouth, and closed again.

Because the bed was too small, the young man was almost half of his body lying on him.

This weight is not enough for the court.

Three hours later, the sun rose.

The sober blue eye finally closed, and the tall tip of the nose sniffed the breath from strange to familiar and fell asleep.

After another five hours, Wen Qiuxing, who was tortured last night, woke up, and then opened his mouth to bite the jaw of the court.

Because he couldn't move his whole body, only his mouth could move.

"Sand sculpture." Wen Qiuxing heard his voice rough and dumb.

Feng Ting's eyelashes moved, and after opening his eyes, a deep blue ocean appeared: "Well, good morning."

Wen Qiu awakened for a moment: "Good morning Nima, it's noon."

"I'm not called Nima." Feng Ting said seriously.

"Worri..." Wen Qiu woke up and choked, suddenly there was no mood to scold this alien because the other party couldn't understand it at all.

"You called me in a dream yesterday." Feng Ting said in a low voice: "Did you dream of me?"

Wen Qiuxing recalled for a moment, his mouth widened, and he was busy closing: "Dream your boss, hurry up and order a meal, I'm starving."

Feng Ting saw the bright smile that flickered by his mouth and smiled: "I don't have a boss."

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