Chapter 27: Hello, Buttercup

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"Let me fuck you little mate" oh my. Even his words make me wet With need.

"You know you want to feel my cock sliding deep inside your wet pussy. I know how much you want it little mate. Your dripping wet for me."
Fuck!! I think I'm about to completely drench his cock as he pulls me into him harder. And says just before biting down on his mark again

"Now scream as you cum for me"  Holy fuck do I. I scream as I see starts and feel pulse after pulse of pleasure. Iv never felt so alive and happy. Then he pulls away and sits me on the bed.

"Well that shower was wasted." He chuckles.

"Cl-clothes...please" I pant

"Yes love, I'll get you your leggings and one of my tops OK?" He says as he starts rummaging around in his bag. Like he didn't just rock my world again

"Please! If I have to stay awake I might as well go find some food, I'm fam-eshed. And I need to go soon before I pass out from your constant sexual attacks " I say on a yawn

He comes over and hands me the clothes.

"I didn't hear you complaining! Only moaning and screaming" He kisses me, working me back up. So I push him away and laugh.

"Not again. I really will pass out!" and I quickly get dressed. I rip a strip from the tattered remains of the top I was wearing to create a makeshift hair tie and shove it up in a ponytail.

"I need to speak to Parker and make some Calls. It's just gone 2 so there should still be some form of lunch food in the dining car. Just keep going till you find the one filled with lots of tables and chairs and the smell of food. I'll send Coltan and Liam down to meet you ok?" 

Popping the top over my head finishing getting dressed I nod OK. We exit our room and Jesse points me down the way to go, then kisses me against the door before he releases me to go. In a daze I trip over my foot making him laugh and I stick my tounge out at him

"Jerk!" I snark

"I heard that!

"You were supposed to!" I hear him knock on Parkers door and it open before I'm through the door into the next section. I go through 4 more sections like ours and then come to seating areas. There's a few people talking, or on electronic devices. Some even stop and stare at me. But I carry on through like I don't see them. What's their problem anyway!

After 4 more seating sections (I don't know what these things are called) with more people staring at me, I find the dining car, that's what Jesse called it. It's not that busy, I guess everyone's eaten and retired to their room or the seating areas. I plonk myself down on a stool at the bar and think shit! How am I gonna order food!

"Can I help you miss?" The guy behind the counter asks

I fumble for a second on what to do and just end up making the gesture for a pen and paper. With a kind smile he gives me a little notebook and pen from his pocket. I start writing but stop when I feel eyes on me. I turn around and the 3 people that are in here are all doing there own thing! I must have imagined it. So back to writing

What would you recommend?. I'm starving and need to stay awake.

"Hmm… leave it with me. I'll be right back." He disappears behind a door to the right and I swivel round in my seat and take the place in. It's comfortable enough, there are 8 sets of tables and chairs in 2 1 2 1 2 formation. Covered in cutlery and glassware. Then the bar I'm sitting at which has a gap for food to be bought out and all kinds of alcohol behind it. There's a table to my left with empty or crumb riddled platters, not yet cleaned from the lunch rush I guess. The scenery flashes past the large windows as we speed by. When I feel a tap on my shoulder, I jump a little but spin back around.

My Alpha KingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang