Chapter 30 - Do you trust me?

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Easton Halls was bustling with students when I entered. For a moment I thought that there was something going on, before I realized that the mass of people were just going to and from the dance studios. Some were even doing warm-ups in the corridors. 

I shouldn't have been surprised. After all, the end of the semester was rapidly approaching. Everyone wanted a shot at dancing with one of the country's most prominent dance companies. 

Okay, maybe a couple of students just wanted to pass their class.

I entered the studio on the second floor, taking in how small it was compared to the ones I usually practiced in. 

"This was all I could get on short notice."

Jack's voice made me snap my head around. I winced and brought a hand up to my neck, trying to soothe the pain from the twitch. Out of nowhere he was suddenly right behind me. 

"We only have an hour before someone else has the studio," he said, walking into the room. "We should get started straight away. Which ballet moves have you come up with? Show me and then I'll show you some street moves."

He started stretching out his legs as he spoke, warming up his cold joints. 

I couldn't help but to stare at him. Seeing him was so different now that I knew he and Cade were twins. Suspecting it was one thing. But there were so many things about him now that stood out, in a way I'd never seen before. I felt bad about it because in my mind I had always been preparing him to Cade, wondering why they were so similar. I had never had the chance to get to know him as Cade's brother.

I had to tell him about Cade and their past. I was going to tell him. Right now. Just going to open my mouth and let the words out.

I opened my mouth, preparing to speak. 

Any second now.

"Is something wrong?" Jack asked, frowning at me where I stood gaping.

"Um... no. It's—"

"Okay, then let's go," his voice interrupted. He bent his knees and waved at me to join him on the floor.

Do you remember your mom? Do you remember Cade?

I shook my head to shut my brain up and hurried onto the floor. It was okay, I could talk to him after practice. It was no big deal. There was no rush.

We continued rehearsing the choreography that Jack had concocted, slowly and without music, until we both moved in synchronicity.

"Instead of doing this move here," I said, "we could put in a couple of ballet moves in between. Like this—watch."

I showed him the moves I had in mind for the routine.

"When I go up on my toes," I said, "you can instead spin around me—no, behind me."

I grabbed Jack's arm and ushered him behind me.

"And end the movement by crouching down. Yeah, like that. And I'll..."

Instead of wasting time trying to explain it, I showed him what I had in mind. I extended my leg and kicked it over his head in a spin.

Jack flinched so hard he tumbled backwards onto the floor. He straightened up immediately, cheeks flushing pink.

"Thanks for the heads up," he muttered. "I thought you were going to kick my head in."

My shoulders shook with laughter.

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