Chapter 38: You owe me a favor

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Out of the conference room, Mark Duan and Verse Han followed Mike Yue to the office.

"Wow bro, you're so cool. You seem like a fortune teller. Everything goes just as you expected."

"I thought I was going to have a big fight with Lei Chen today. I didn't expect you that you are done with him just as you came."

Mark Duan was still marveling and kept flattering Mike Yue.

"Of course, as the young master of Yue family, you could not be simple. You're very powerful." Said Verse Han triumphantly, even more than praising herself.

Mike Yue shook his head with a faint smile, "Well, that's enough flattery. If you keep flattering me like that, I could forget who I am."

Mark Duan chuckled, but there was still a question that made him feel a little confused. He asked: "However, as for that Manman He, who was with Lei's gang before, she should be regarded as a person who knows something but says nothing."

"What's more, this woman is too cruel. She had shared a lot of Lei's greedy money before. However, in order to be superior, she sold Lei even without blinking her eyes. Can we keep such kind of woman? "

Mike Yue nodded and said firmly: "Of course."

"It is easier to control such a person. She has needs, and I meet her needs. I'll help her to get higher position. As she asks for money, I'll let her get the position of general manager in sales department, which could bring quite a lot bonus to her."

"So I have already satisfied her with everything she wants. If she wants more, she can only take the position same as you or me. But I don't think she has the courage. Besides, she has already known who I am, so she should have no such courage. "

"What's more, Manman has always been Lei's secretary, so she must be familiar with Lei's work-flow. Therefore, we just need to train her slightly. She is so ambitious that she can do the job well. All you have to do is to arrange for her another deputy sales manager. "

Mark Duan nodded thoughtfully at the speech. Now he could see the huge gap between himself and Mike Yue. He could only think of some simple problems, but not of those profound relations.

So that's why he always followed Mike Yue. He wanted to learn more.

When they got back to the office, Mike Yue put his hand on the doorknob, but he didn't open the door. He turned around, looking at Mark Duan and Verse Han, and said, "you don't need to come with us, I still have something to talk with Lei and Chen Xiangrong."

Then he went in and closed the door from inside.

Mark Duan looked at Verse Han in dismay and asked, "Haven't Lei and Xiangrong already been taken away by security guards?"

Verse Han shook her head and said, "Mike Yue didn't plan to call the police to arrest them. It seems that he has other plans, but I don't know what they are."

"He didn't say that. He might not want us two to know about it, so let's just not ask."

Mark Duan nodded at the speech, and did not think much about it.

At this time in the office, Lei and Xiangrong were still kneeling on the ground.

Because they had to beg Mike Yue not to call the police. They had been in high positions for so many years, eating and drinking in a luxurious way every day. How could they bear to live in prison.

"President Yue, please don't send us to prison, please!"

These two brothers kept kowtowing.

Mike leaned on the sofa and look at them coldly, "What I hate most is that someone steals my money. The company supports you and treats you well. Why do you do that? "

Lei's head was almost broken and he said in tears: "Greed, we became too greedy, it's all our fault!"

"We are shameless, we should not do such shameless things! President Yue, as long as you let us go, we will do everything for you."

On hearing this, Mike Yue grinned, "If you want a chance, I can offer one."

"From now on, you owe me a great favor. I will not call the police to arrest you and let you go."

"You can just keep the money, I don't want it and it doesn't really matter."

Hearing this, the two brothers of the Chen raised their heads and looked at Mike Yue, "President Yue, do you mean a deal?"

With a smile on his face, Mike Yue said, "Of course, but it must be a big favor. No matter what I ask you to do in the future, you must obey. Of course, I will only ask you to do one thing, and once you finish the mission, you will be free. I'll destroy all the recordings and videos, including anything that could be bad for you. " "Deal?"

The two brothers of the Chen family looked at each other silently, thinking. Was Mike Yue asking them to sign a contract of selling themselves? What if Mike Yue asked them to kill someone?!

"President Yue, what exactly do you want us two to do? Does that include killing someone, do we still have to? " Lei boosted his courage to ask his question.

Mike Yue took back his smile and looked at him coldly.

Without any expression, he say, "I have given you a great favor, which is surely not an easy thing to return. If you feel hard, you can refuse me right now."

"I'll hand in all the evidence and put you in jail."

With that, Lei's face changed wildly.

He sighed heavily then answered, "Deal! We'll do anything!"

"No matter what you want us to do, we will obey you, but you must destroy everything afterwards."

Mike Yue stood up, helped them up and said with a smile: "You get my word. For me, it's just an one-time opportunity to take advantage of."

"These evidences mean nothing for me."

Lei looked at the young man in front of him with some fear. He didn't expect that he, who had been as cunning as an old fox, would be planted in a young man's hands. And now, he's under control of this young and cunning man.

Finally, Mike Yue let Lei and Xiangrong leave through the back door of the company.

Just sitting down, as Mike Yue was preparing to make a pot of tea for himself, his mobile phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that Chen Yuting called him.

"What can I do for you?" Mike Yue answered the phone and asked.

"Mi....Mike Yue, can I meet you? I have something to tell you. It's very important. " Yuting's voice sounded anxious in the phone.

She wanted to tell Mike Yue what Helen Liu really thought. Actually, Helen Liu still loved him, and so did Mike Yue, no need for them to miss each other.

"Why don't you just tell on the phone?" Asked Mike Yue calmly.

"It's about Helen. I think we'd better meet and talk about it." Although Yuting was very anxious, she had still been asking for the consent of Mike Yue, since she was making phone call with the young master of Yue family.

"Helen? What happened to her? " As soon as he heard the name of Helen Liu, Mike Yue did not contain his calmness any more.

"She's fine, but I really have something important to tell you!"

Yuting sounded very serious, so Mike Yue checked his time and said, "Well, I still have something to take care of in the company. You can come to my house in the evening and I'll send you the address later."

After hanging up, Mike Yue sent the address of his villa to Yuting.

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