you give me a fever (what a lovely way to burn)

Start from the beginning

Louis' got his toothbrush in his mouth, and he's mid-brush, when realization hits him. His cheeks heat up and his brain sobers, when he realizes Harry's touching himself in the shower.

He doesn't have time to move or do anything cause he hears a loud thud bounce off the walls, then Harry groans.

Worried that Harry's hurt himself, Louis decides to make his presence known, " 'Arry? You okay?" His voice sounds different, even to himself.

"S-shit!" He hears Harry say, then the sound of loud squeaking, like the sound of feet rubbing against a wet shower floor. Then he watches as the shower curtain is literally ripped down from its rings, to reveal a wet, naked and hard Harry sitting on the shower floor, one hand clutching the ripped shower curtain, the other trying to hold onto the slippery wall.

Louis just stands there, toothbrush in his mouth, and gawks at Harry. He doesn't know what to do. Should he laugh, point and make a joke out of this? One things for sure, he can't keep his eyes from roaming over Harry's body. The water's causing Harry's muscles to look ridiculously defined, the black ink of his randomly placed tattoos shine. He tries his hardest not to look at Harry's cock. He's not sure how Harry would feel about him openly checking him out. But Harry's cock is more then hard to miss. So when Louis' eyes scan over it, he can't help that his own body responds.

When Harry can't hold himself up anymore he just lets go. Lets his body fall back till he's literally laying on the bottom of the shower floor. His head at the opposite end then where the water is spraying down. His hands come up to run over his face. This would happen to him. He doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I-I..." Louis starts, toothbrush just dangling in his mouth. He pulls it out, throws it in the sink and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. "I am... Soooooo s-sorry..." Louis stammers. "I was just--I didn't know you were doing--Were... Doing that... I ne-ver would have come in.. ." Louis can feel the arousal spread in gut and he knows he has to get out of the bathroom and away from Harry before he gets a boner he can't explain.

Harry has yet to say anything. Just continues to lay on the wet shower floor. He brings his hands away from his face, one lay flat by his side, the other starts to run up and down his stomach.

Louis doesn't know what to do. He feels like a total twat just standing there. He wants nothing more then to just walk over to Harry, lay in between his legs and suck Harry's gorgeous cock to the back of his throat till he can't fucking breathe.

But this is new. This kind of situation has never happened before. The lack of privacy has never lead them to a moment like this before.

Everyone around them knew that Harry was pansexual. He didn't care about the gender, he was into the person. So no ones said anything the handful of times Harry's gotten drunk and made out with random boys at clubs or parties. Hell, he's even made out with Niall on a dare. And their crew knew that Louis only dated Eleanor, best friend that she is, cause Modest flipped shit when they realized how many members of One Direction really didn't give a shit if you were a men or woman. Sure Niall, Liam and Zayn preferred woman, but they've all groped each other at one point and time. They've all agreed that it was because of how comfortable they are with each other.

But this is different. And Louis realizes he's been standing there staring for far too long. "I... I'm just gonna go..." His voice doesn't even sound like his own. Louis doesn't know if its from the steam of the shower, or the situation, but he's starting to sweat. He needs to get out. While his mind still has some control over his body. He starts walking backwards and when his shoulder hits the doorframe, he grabs the doorknob and turns around, about to open the door.

"Wait..." Is all Harry says. His voice low and breathy.

Louis leans his head against the door and tries to breathe evenly. His heart is starting to rapidly pound in his chest and his dick is getting harder by the minute.

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