Chapter One

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Dearest Lysander,

I am weary. The journey has been long. With each passing mile, I realize we are seeking a power greater than anything Nazar has ever seen. I try to lead the others with confidence and to never waiver. I want to show them I can seek out this disturbance and do what I must.

But I fear I am not enough.

The last town we visited revealed signs of the sickness. Within the past week, torrential floods have begun. I see evidence that we are dealing with a Weaver who can control the elements. It appears to be someone powerful and highly trained.

I suspect the work of the Dark Weavers, as I am sure you will too when you read this.

Why would a Dark Weaver focus such a vast disturbance in a region so remote and impoverished as the Aster Mountains? Surely, with power this great, it would be better spent closer to the northern kingdoms.

These questions are haunting my every thought.

I am worried, but I try not to let the others see. I listen to Tori and Elleric fighting over the best way to build a fire or where to set up tripwires. I find comfort in their bickering. If they knew the danger we faced, it would stop completely. This is no ordinary Seekers' mission.

Lysander, your steady presence is always with me, adding to my strength.

Your ever-loving friend,


* * *

Leilandri walked through the grove of fir trees, looking for a spot to weave. Pine needles crunched under her feet, and her traveling boots were wet with dew. Even the hem of her dress was soaked from the mountain air.

The grove was insignificant compared to the forests of Andaria, where the trees were so large the army carved roads through their trunks. Even still, it was the only grove she had seen in many days. The region was nothing but dry grasses and arid land. There was little for Leilandri to pull on for energy. Her morning meditations usually energized her, but lately, they had been exhausting.

She came to a small clearing with a fallen tree. The trunk was gathering moss and mushrooms around its base. She was relieved to have a place to sit. The rough bark tugged at the fabric of her dress as she settled herself. Closing her eyes, she gathered her strength as the sun warmed her skin.

It only took Leilandri a moment before she tuned into the energy. Above, an eagle made slow circles looking for food. Below, creatures were digging and rooting for nuts and berries. All around, the wind rustled the trees. A golden light began to pulse in her chest, spreading over her like the warmth of a summer day. Her hands began to radiate with power, making her palms itch. The ground swayed beneath her, and she grew dizzy as if she might float away.

With her energy at its peak, she focused on a path opening for them. She saw herself standing in front of it, knowing it would lead to the source of the disturbance. Nazar pulsed within her, as her purpose pulled her forward. She held the image of the path until she was certain it was forming. She pressed it closer, holding as tight as she could to let the magic weave into reality. When all was done, she released the energy back into the grove. It snapped with such intensity her eyes flew open. Around her, a whirlwind of pine needles, berries, and leaves were rotating like a shield. They floated to the ground, creating a circle of debris around her.

The grove had offered itself to her, and she was grateful as she left its dense foliage. Their luck would change today, and a path would reveal itself. It was exactly the change they needed. Still, she couldn't help worrying about what they would find when it did.

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