february 22nd, 2015

24 2 0

11:17 pm

had a pretty good day. i slept in and skipped church. the best explanation i've ever read about believing in god and jesus and all that stuff was in a book by kit pearson, called the daring game, and it said that it was like believing that there was an orange behind a bush, but you couldn't check and look for yourself, you just had to believe. and personally i don't. but that's just me. i went shopping with mom today to get my birthday present. i got some warmer running gear which is good because i have to start running again if i want to be able to run a 10k in may. then later i worked on the science drawing with kate, but we're just over halfway done and it's not that great which sucks balls cuz it needs to be kickass if we want to get a good mark overall since out actually project tanked

currently reading: library love

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