
My gaze immediately turned to the direction from which the voice came. At the entrance of the hall he stood, far enough away not to notice me, yet close enough for me to follow their conversation.

My heart raced at the sight that was presented to me. His dark curls shimmered lightly at the tips, telling me he had just gotten out of the shower. His white shirt sat loosely against his torso, but the slightest movement clearly revealed his defined muscles underneath. As always, he wore a mask, which, in combination with the distance, made it harder for me to interpret his facial expression.

I had spent half the night trying to figure out how to deal with him now that I had admitted my feelings to myself. It was one thing to confess your true feelings to yourself, and a completely different thing to share them with the other person.

What if he doesn't feel the same?

But my attention was once again interrupted by the bright voice from a moment ago.

"You didn't go to breakfast or dinner yesterday! Did you eat outside with your friends?"

A young cook stood in front of him, looking up at him with a wide grin. Her hands clasped behind her back and her feet rocked back and forth as if she were excited. Her straight, black, shoulder-length hair was also bobbing along with her. I couldn't quite make out her face from the side, but she was pretty without question. Her feminine curves were brought out even more by the white chef's uniform.

Yuna, if I remembered correctly. She was hardly at the counter, like the girls who adored Atsumu. She was one of the main chefs and was actually in the kitchen most of the time.

Well, at least that's what I had thought. But her familiar interaction with Kiyoomi indicated that she probably did come out of the kitchen from time to time and I just hadn't noticed.

"What? You think I've never undressed a woman before?"

A cold shiver ran down my spine as I inadvertently remembered his words from back then.

My heart was in my mouth, while my eyes darted from the still smiling girl to Kiyoomi. Did they-

Shaking my head, I tried to swallow the lump in my throat and get rid of the thoughts. It was useless to rack my head over it.

But that was easier said than done, because the oppressive feeling in my chest was getting worse by each second.

"Ari, are ya comin?"

Surprised, I looked to Atsumu, who was standing next to me again. Grinning, he put a coffee on my tray. "Ya sure need this, with the way yer daydreaming here."

"Um- yes, thank you."

Hesitantly, I followed Atsumu while glancing over my shoulder to see the two of them still talking. Well, she was talking while he seemed to be listening to her.

Chewing my lips, I turned back to the front and tried to push away this incredibly disgusting feeling inside me. Am I jealous?

We walked to a table where Hinata was already eating. Since he was sitting with his back to the cafeteria, Atsumu and I sat down across from him, which gave me a view of Kiyoomi and Yuna again.

"Gwod moring Tsumu! Gwod moing Ari!" the orange haired one brought out with his mouth full.

"Good morning," I mumbled absentmindedly.

"Shōyō, what's that? I didn't even see that at the buffet."

"I don't know, but it's delicious!"

Physical Attraction | Sakusa KiyoomiWhere stories live. Discover now