A Lost Bet

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"What happened to your-?" Will wondered when she caught a glimpse of Jasper's wings, how they were pulled tight against his back.

"I lost a bet." Jasper grunted out through clenched teeth, pulling his wings tighter against his back.

"Why-?" Will asked taking in what little of his once raven-colored wings, now stained a bright shade of neon pink and what looked like neon green and yellow poke-dots, that were stained the black -almost red- feathers of his wings.

"I don' want to talk about it." he grunted out stalking his way up the stairs to his room.

Will sighed and got up to follow him. "Do you need help getting the dye out?" she called up the stairs.

"Yes." he called back from his doorway.

She laughed a little, thinking about the only person other than her that would be brave enough to bet that her friend wouldn't dye his feathers neon pink with neon green and yellow poke-dots.

'Maybe this will teach Jas not to bet against Kai. Even I know not to bet against seers.' she thought amused as she made her way up the stairs.

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