She reads it and then her face fell. She looked up at me and was shocked, and it soon went into pure joy. She screamed and I started to scream with her as we held onto each other and jumped up and down. She pulled me into a hug and I held onto her my face burying into her neck. I'm going to college at NYU. I'm going to New York!

Oh my god. I'm going to New York, Justin. What am I going to tell Justin.


Me and Chris were in the middle of playing video games. I was currently beating him and he hated when he was close to loosing. Our fingers move fast on the controller and Chris mumbling under his breathe. My phone went off and it was YNs ring tone. I know because she put it as her favorite song (A/N Whatever you're favorite song is haha sorry I wouldn't know.)

I pause the game and Chris groans

''Justin!'' He whines and I chuckle

''Chill its YN.'' I say and grab my phone next to me and swipe to answer it

''Hey babe. What's up.'' I say into the phone and it's quiet on the other end.

I haven't asked YN to marry me yet. The ring is still on my bed side table when she comes over I hide it under my bed. I was planning on asking her to marry me when we hit a year. Which is about a week away. I'm excited but also nervous.

"Hey uhm. Can you come over. Its important." she said, her voice sounded so hurt

"Yeah, yeah I'll be right over." I say and stand up quick. She hangs up without anything else said.

"You're leaving! But we haven't finished the game!" Chris whines and I groan sitting down and grabbing the remote.

I press play and then shoot Chris and the games ends

"There. It is now." I say throwing the controller on my bed and walked out

"I hate you Jay!" I hear yell out after me and I chuckle.

I get to YNs house and I jog to her front door. I knock lightly and then wait a few. Her mom opens the door and she gives me a friendly smile.

"Hey mamma bear. Is YN home?" I say and then her smile lightly fades and she nods moving aside to let me in.

"She's up stairs in her room. You can go on up." She says and I nod then run up the stairs to her room knocking.

I hear movement behind the door that decreases and then the knob twists and her door opens. She stands there and she sees me giving me a weak smile and then looking down tucking her hair behind her ear. I lean over and kiss her cheek and a faint giggle comes out. I scrunch my eyebrows together.

"Is everything okay beautiful?" I say and she nods and then shakes her head slowly still looking down.

She lets me in and I walk in and she shuts the door quietly.

"What's wrong?" I say worry in my voice.

She grabs my arms and walks me to her bed making me sit down and she sits down beside me. She does a long sigh and then looks up. Her eyes were turning red and I could see the faint tears wanting to come.

"I got into college." She says and I get a huge grin on my face.

"Babe! That's amazing! Why aren't you excited? I didn't even know you applied" I say again and she tucks another strand of hair behind her ear.

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