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(A/n~ so sorry this has taken so long to come out i have just not been feeling motivated at all and i've been struggling with my mental health recently but i finally found a bit of motivation. Also i thought i'd just use this too say please check up on your friends, even the happy ones because no matter how they are on social media or at school they could still be struggling.)

(your pov)

Me, Harry, Ron and Mione were all sat in a compartment on the way back to Hogwarts. My Dad dropped me off at the platform and I have never seen him so happy too see a train before, I mean it's understandable when he's been locked up in a cell for 12 years of his life.

It felt good for me too, the last time I was here I came with Hagrid after he rescued me from my absolute favourite auntie and uncle in the whole entire universe.

Hagrid your a legend for that.

Anyways the journey had been pretty normal to be honest, Ron and Hermione arguing. Me and Harry ignoring them and talking about random subjects like we are doing right now although this conversation is about ghosts. Harry doesn't believe in them in the muggle world he thinks they are just magic whereas I think they are in the muggle world too.

"If a magical person died then they would become a ghost somewhere right Harry?" I ask him.

(Just go with it even if it doesn't make sense.)

"Yes." He answered.

"So when a muggle dies what happens too them?" I ask trying to prove my point.

"I don't know they disintegrate?" He said whilst shrugging his shoulders.

"But here's what I don't get, what if one of us died whilst living in the muggle world? Would we still disintegrate or would we become ghosts in the muggle world?" I ask him.

"We would be ghosts because we are magical." He said thinking he had won.

"Boom I got you, your wrong, you just proved that there can be ghosts in the muggle world. But anyways I'm right because I swear I saw a ghost in my aunts friends house one time and it was bloody terrifying." I said.

"Fuck off." Harry said whilst crossing his arms in defeat.

"Just face it Haz I'm always right."

"Yeah, yeah." He replied until he was interrupted by the trolley witch.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" She asked.

"You guys want anything?" Harry asked.

"Mum gave me some money for the trolley I'll get myself something thanks." Ron said and went to get his sweets.

"Hermione?" Harry asked.

"Oh I'll have a liquorice wand please." She said.

"Ew mione that's literally the worst thing anyone could get." I said making fun of my best friend.

"What do you want Y/n? Or do I even need to ask?" Harry said whilst smirking at me.

"Chocolate Frog pleaseeee!!" I said dragging on the 'please'.

"Knew it." Harry said and went too get the sweets as Ron came back.

"Can I have-" Harry said until he was interrupted.

"Two Pumpkin Pasties please." A Scottish voice said.

Harry seemed to forget about our sweets and just stood staring in awe at the girl.

And I knew exactly who she was.

Cho flipping Chang.

I didn't have anything against her really it's just known that she has a crush on Harry and that just pisses me off. Like it would do to anyone who has a crush on someone.

I scoffed as Harry walked back empty handed.

"You alright there Y/n?" Ron said whilst smirking at my jealousy.

Wait I wasn't jealous. Harry can dreamily stare at whoever he wants too.

And he continued too have that star struck look on his face the whole time we were on the train.

. . Time skip . .

(btw I really cba too write all the triwizard tournament announcement stuff so I'm gonna do it differently, sorry if that's a problem for any of you.)

We had finally arrived back at Hogwarts, my literal favourite place ever.

It's gonna be a bit sad not having Professor Lupin as the DADA teacher anymore though he was amazing.

Over the Summer I received a letter from Professor Mcgonagall telling me I have a meeting with Dumbledore. I have no idea why though, I don't think I've done anything wrong.

But anyways me, Harry, Ron and Mione were all sat in our usual seats in the great hall on our table with all the other Gryffindors.

I was kinda spaced out as Dumbledore was talking until there was this huge crash of lightening and thunder above us.

Well that was until this one eyed man came in and stopped it.

Around me I heard loads of whispers about who he is.

"Is that Mad Eye Moody the Auror?" Ron asked in amazement.

"Ah please welcome Professor Alastor Moody who will be your new Defence against the Dark Arts teacher!" Dumbledore said

Turns out he was an ex-auror, a dark wizard catcher as Ron said. As Dumbledore Carried on with his speech I saw Mad-Eye take a swig out of a flask whilst his fake eye was flickering around the room until it came into contact with me.

The creepy one eye contact soon stopped though as I heard my favourite twins yelling.

"THATS A LOAD OF RUBBISH!" One twin yelled.

"YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING." The other finished.

"Wait whats going on?" I asked Harry.

"Was you really spaced out for the whole speech?" Harry asked snickering at me.

"Yeah and? Did I miss something?"

"Only that there's gonna be a triwizard tournament held at Hogwarts in October where people Over 17 can compete for eternal glory." He said and my eyes widened. The one time I don't listen something important happens.

"Wait Triwizard what?" I asked him again.

"Triwizard tournament you dummy." He chucked at me.

"Oh yeah and other magical schools are going to be staying here for like the whole year."

"Your joking." I said.

"Nope, you really should listen more often." The raven haired boy said smiling at me.

"Oi I do listen all the time."

"Oh yeah and I haven't almost died the past 3 years of being at school." He said making me laugh.

My God he really is gorgeous.

People keep laughing at his new long hair but personally I love it.

And his eyes seemed to have gotten more beautiful if it is even possible.

"Got something on my face Black?" He asked whilst smirking at me.

"Only a cringey ass smirk." I retorted.

"Only because you were staring at me." He said making me blush.

"In your dreams Potter." I said whilst following Ron and Mione out of the great hall.

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