Bᴏɢɢᴀʀᴛs~ ʏ3

375 11 13

(A/n- again I Apologise if this isn't the order of the movies of books. Thankyou everyone for reading.)

(Your pov)

It was about a week into my time at Hogwarts and it's been the best week of my life. Today's our first lesson with the new teacher Professor Lupin who is the Defence against the Dark Arts teacher. Who from what I've heard from other students is one of the best DADA teachers this schools ever had, so I'm pretty excited.

Ron, Harry and I made our way to the DADA classroom and in there stood a giant wardrobe. There was no one in the room except us and the new professor. He seemed to stare at me for a few seconds, which I wasn't gonna lie was a bit creepy but for some reason it looked like he recognised me. He soon shook it off tho. I looked at Harry and he was just as confused as I was, he obviously noticed the professors odd behaviour too.

Then the rest of the class came flooding in and they also noticed the big wardrobe in the middle of the classroom. Then Professor Lupin finally began to speak.

"Intriguing isn't it?" No one answered.
"Would anyone like to guess to as what is inside?"he asked. Dean Thomas finally answered. "That's a boggart." He said confidently. "Very good Mr Thomas, now can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like?"

"No one knows" Hermione said, scaring the living daylights out of me and by the looks of it Ron too. "When did she get here?" He asked with a rather terrified look on his face. "Boggarts are shapeshifters, they take the shape of whatever a particular person fears the most, that's what makes them so" Mione continued and was eventually interrupted by Professor Lupin. "So terrifying, yes, yes" he finished.

"Luckily a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart" Professor Lupin was saying until the boggart violently shook again. "Let's practice now and without wands please, after me Ridikulus" he continued and the whole class including me repeated after him. "Ridikulus"
"Very good, a little louder this time" he said and we all said it a little louder.

Then I heard Ferret boy Malfoy make some snarky comment about the class being ridiculous, well he said something along those lines and I just glared at him. My hatred for Malfoy and his minions had only grown over this past week but over this week I have also gotten a lot closer too the golden trio or now the golden quartet. That was there words not mine and I finally feel at home.

"Well so much for the easy part, you see the incantation alone is not enough what really finished a boggart is laughter" Professor Lupin said, rudely interrupting my thoughts. "You need to force it to form into a shape you find truley amusing, let me explain, ah Neville would you like to join me please." I looked at Neville and saw his face drop, he obviously looked terrified bless him. "Come on don't be shy" Lupin said. Neville stepped forward bravely. Still having a terrified look on his face though. "Now what frightens you the most Neville?" Professor Lupin asked. Then Neville muttered something under his breath which no one heard. "Sorry could you repeat that please" Lupin asked Neville. "Professor Snape" he said more clearly, making most of the class burst out into laughter. I felt quite sorry for Neville though.

"Professor Snape" Lupin said chuckling to himself for a few seconds then continuing. "Frightens all, and I believe you live with your grandmother?"
"Yes but I don't want that boggart to turn into her either" he said also earning a chuckle from me too. Then Professor Lupin continued. "No it won't but I want you to picture her clothes, only her clothes very clearly in your mind."

"She carries a red handbag" Neville says getting interrupted by The Professor. "We don't need to hear, as long as you see it we will see it, now when I open that wardrobe here's what I want you to do." He said walking over too Neville and whispering something in his ear.

"Can you do that?" Neville nods. "Wand at the ready 1...2...3"

Then the wardrobe opened causing a very miserable looking Professor Snape too walk out of the wardrobe. "Think Neville think" Lupin whispered in his ear. "Ridikulus!" Neville exclaimed and the once miserable looking Professor Snape turned into well still Professor Snape but wearing what I assume to be Nevilles grandmothers clothes. The whole class bust out into laughter. "Ha ha ha, wonderful Neville wonderful. Now too the back Neville ad everyone form a line" Lupin said and everyone lined up. Ron was first then Parvarti then me and behind me was Harry. Too no suprise Ron's boggart turned into a huge spider. Which he then cast the spell and the spider had roller skates on. This amused the whole class. Parvarti then went and her boggart was a giant snake which she turned into a jack in the box which in my opinion was more scary then the snake.

It was now my turn and I was pretty curious as to what my boggart would turn into as I like to believe i'm fearless but we all know that's not true. "All right y/n it's your turn" I stepped in front off the boggart and it changed into my Aunt and uncle approaching me with their Wands in their hands yelling curses at me like the cruciatas curse which was one of the unforgivable curses. What many people didn't know was that I had had this curse used on me many times and it was horrible.

The next thing I knew my legs collapsed and my eyes filled with tears. Professor Lupin stood in front of my boggart making it change into a full moon and then he turned it into a balloon.
"Okay that's enough for today, would you all like too collect your books from the back off the class and that's the end of the lesson, thank you." Everyone groaned and walked out of the class room. Well everyone except me, Harry, Ron and Mione.

I never wanted anyone too know that I went through that other wise people would just worry about me when i am used too it.

The next thing I knew a pair of arms were wrapped around me and I knew whose arms they were instantly. I threw my arms around Harry's neck and sobbed letting all my tears out.

"Y/n are you okay?" Ron asked. "Yeah I'm fine." I said wiping the tears from under my eyes.

"Y/n you know you can talk to us right?" Harry said to be comfortingly. I just smiled and nodded.

I look over too see where Professor Lupin is and he is just staring out of the window in his own world. We all leave the classroom without saying a word but Harry's arm is still wrapped around my shoulder making me slightly blush. Oh god why am I blushing. He's just a friend putting his arm around my shoulder in comfort that's all.

.               .             Time skip          .              .

We all just finished our last lesson which was Potions otherwise know as living hell in my eyes. I was still pretty shaken up about the DADA lesson but I was thankful non of my friends mentioned it.

We were sat eating dinner in the Great hall when Seamus ran in with the daily profit.

"He's been sighted, He's been sighted."

"Who" someone asks.

"Sirius Black!" Seamus answered.

"Dufftown. That's not far from here." Mione said worryingly whilst looking towards Harry.

"You don't think he'll come too Hogwarts do you? I mean surely not with Dementors at every entrance." Neville asked.

"Well he's already got past them once, whose to say he can't do it again!" Seamus exclaimed.

"Yeah catching Black is like trying to catch smoke, like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands." Bem said very mysteriously.

Wow today has just been great.

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