Mᴇᴇᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ Wᴇᴀsʟᴇʏs~ ʏ4

257 7 12

(A/n~ the picture above is what your aunt and uncles house looks like, not exactly but you get the idea. Also idk of people like the idea of Sirius being free but idc cos it makes me happy)

(Your pov)

It was the Summer before 4th year and all I can say is that I want to desperately get back too Hogwarts. I would do anything in the world too be with my friends right now, I've only known them for a year but they are already more of a family then my own.

That's if I'm even classed as even being apart or their family anymore. To be honest I'm not complaining because I hate this household with my whole heart.

Turns out they had literally thrown out everything from my room. I haven't been acknowledged by anyone since I arrived. Well except when I get screamed at too stay in my room.

I get like one meal a day from them, but I always sneak downstairs when they are all asleep and get food.

It was also no surprise that my supposed 'friend' Elijah hadn't tried too contact me. Thinking about it now, he was always really demanding and constantly got annoyed at me for not doing what he wanted. So it's probably for the best that I'm not talking to him anymore.

A big part of me wishes I could run away from here and go live with Sirius, wherever he is.

I miss my Dad so much, I think about him everyday, I'm so glad he's free now and that he gets too make up for all the time he's missed in Azkaban. I've also planned out our future. Me, Him and Harry are going too live somewhere far away. Not in France though because I'm here right now and it literally haunts me.

I also really miss Harry, his green eyes, cute little glasses. Oh and his hair, I really do love his hair. But I'm getting off topic, I guess I've just determined that I do really have the biggest fattest crush on Harry James Potter.

I have also really changed this Summer. Not like my personality but I guess you could say I've matured. I've grown a lot more and I've grown out of my baby face. I just over all feel a lot better in my self which has really boosted my confidence in myself.

My days usually consist off me sitting up in my now empty bedroom, writing too Harry, Ron and 'Mione. Ron and Hermione send me letters once a week but me and Harry talk every day which is nice.

I think he's staying with the Weasleys over the summer. I can't say I'm not jealous but I understand, I don't really know the Weasleys that well either so but they have known Harry for quite a few years so I understand.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by the joyous sound of my Aunt Lucy screaming my name.


"WHAT?" I screamed back ar her.



My Aunt then ran upstairs and unlocked the door.

"There's a dog at the door, it's probably too do with your weird school and If it isn't then that's your problem I really can't be bothered." She says.

A dog? Weird.

Then I realise. Sirius.

"Okay I'm going I'm going." I say running down the stairs.

When I reach the door i immediately recognise the black shaggy dog and close the door behind me.

"Dad what are you doing here?" I ask as I i lead him down the back of the garden where no one can see us.

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