Social Network

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"Today you are going to watch a clip from a movie called The Social Network which Andrew Garfield is in. The clip is called 'I was your only friend and you set me up scene'." said the Voice.

Everyone sat down and looked at the screen. Most were excited to see the actor perform especially Younger Remus and Younger Sirius.

(being said in video)
(actions in video)

It starts off with a group of lawyers and we see Eduardo with his back turned to us.

Women: Eduardo?

Eduardo: Can you please repeat the question?

Man: No. It was now rageous leaving question the first time around and now you want us to hear it twice.

Women: Would you read it back please.

Man: Go ahead.

Other women: Counsel and when you sigh these documents were you aware that you were signing your own death certificate?

Eduardo: No. It was insanely stupid of me not to have my own lawyer's look overall. In all honesty I thought they were my lawyer's. I was your only friend, get one friend. My father won't even look at.

Women: Okay Eduardo did Mr. Zuckerberg say anything to you after you signed the papers?

Eduardo: There was a lot of handshaking, a lot of congratulations, he'd already told me that he wouldn't be coming back to school for at least a semester so we were saying goodbye for a while and before I left he said that we had to have a business meeting, the Markin shot and played some kind of revenge stunt on case equality...

Scene changes to Eduardo walking into the new offices.

Eduardo:...and that Manningham was so impressed that he was now making an investment offer that was hard to turn down, so I went to California and I went straight to the new offices. I didn't know whether to dress for the party or for the business meeting so I kind of dressed for both. But it didn't matter, why not because I wasn't called out there for either one.

"You look hot in the suit though." said Lily.

Which made James jealous and Younger Remus smile at her as he rested his head on her shoulder.

What everyone missed was Older Remus with tears in his eyes and Older Sirius holding his hand trying to tear up.

Back with the lawyers.

Women: What were you called out there for?

Eduardo: An ambush.

Back to Eduardo looking at the new offices.

Back to Eduardo talking to the lawyers.

Eduardo: First I thought he was joking...

To Eduardo looking at contracts. me more contracts to sign.

Back to the lawyers.

Eduardo: But then I started reading.

Back to him reading the contracts.

Eduardo: What is this?

Man: Well as you know we had some new investors that.

Eduardo: What is this?

We can't hear what the man is saying but we see Eduardo looking pissed while looking straight at Mark.

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